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03/02/12 1:34 AM

#223177 RE: internet #223175

Internet---I appreciate your open-mindedness. What many on this board haven't quite figured out yet is that the thousands of defense fiefdoms that make up the DoD don't give a damn about mandates. The Enterprise will continue to drag their feet because "They Don't Get It".......Do we need another 500 million unactivated TPMs for folks to figure this out?

You just need one killer application on a Samsung/Wave device to trigger the Trusted Computing Revolution world wide. Even a simple application that eliminates the need to remember passwords could create a media frenzy and hyper consumer demand. How about a trusted bank application? Think about the mass of developers who would jump on board to create trusted applications to enable trusted transactions and premium content.

This board is becoming more and more irrelevant because it remains fixated on strategies that are no longer current or relevant.

This investment has become a Samsung/Widows 8/Wave story! The Enterprise and DoD will arrive LATE at the party, but arrive they will!

I wonder who whispered this recent piece of reality into the ear of New Wave?

"The consumer market could move faster and may be where we see MS do the most promotion for Windows 8 trusted computing capibiliites, particularly for features such as trusted online banking. This could be the reason we've been reading a lot about the planned consumer push for Windows 8. The consumer side is where most new operating systems see their first growth, and in conjunction with the new ultrabooks and tablets, we could witness an all out marketing campaign. Hopefully trusted computing will play a big role in this."