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02/23/12 9:22 PM

#23824 RE: LordFauntleroy #23823

Sounds like a great start. $2 a share should be the starting point for all those applications but if it gets the ball rolling on making certain companies to reevaluate their timelines on approaching us, I'm all for it.

Is this coming from a source or is this more of the crystal ball gazing that has been going on today? If no comment, thanks for your positive outlook!

All IMO of course!

semper fi 1

02/24/12 12:17 AM

#23827 RE: LordFauntleroy #23823

Based on progress and reasonable forcasts stated in company PR`s, I agree with your "50% chance" guess-ta-mate. If the 2+ buck number came up, I for one would lean towards saying take the offer. I would probably be in the minority, and not that my opinion would matter anyway. If in the future, a unit falls into the hands of a untrained individual, the results might not be helpful. Otherwise we have a great product IMO.


02/24/12 10:51 AM

#23834 RE: LordFauntleroy #23823

LF, I'd like to see some interest in MZEI's various applications as it's doubtful that any one F500 has the scope of product and service offerings to take advantage of the scope of MZEI applications. As commented previously, it may be beneficial for the F500 with the medical functionality to aggregate other businesses where they don't have expertise, or alternatively, buy the whole company and spin-off applications where it can't add value. Who knows what a given application is worth.

This may fall into the thinking too hard category, but I think it's important to consider a number of structural issues at MZEI that may be limiting in terms of the timeframe you envision.

First, the other-than medical applications won't be patented within your timeframe. This simply means that MZEI could not sell the patents for such applications.

Second, MZEI doesn't have differing classes of stock for each application. The result would be that a share purchase wouldn't happen for a given application absent such segmentation. A share purchase would have obvious tax benefits relative to the sale of the technology.

It is possible that MZEI could enter into a license agreement with a later 'sale' of the patent(s) when granted. Again, this isn't tax efficient for investors. The sale of a patent or the entering into of a license agreement would not require shareholder approval.

These an other structural issues suggest that a 'surprise' offer to shareholders isn't likely. If your thesis is that interest shown by some company in some segment of MZEI's business would or could spur an F500's interest in the applications of more significant worth, I agree.