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Black Beerd

02/21/12 4:00 PM

#182238 RE: lbdave #182228

"IMO I believe we sit where we are today, because the CEO was lead to believe things were going to materialize that didn't come to fruition..........."

regarding that paragraph, Dave you might 1000% correct It however does not give Eric a free pass on accountability. He is responsible regardless of any out come. In the end he is duty bound by this CEO title to follow thru and see that things do get materialized. The shareholders own this company he is commissioned to do one thing, provide shareholder value with measurable results.

" If he had raised enough money to carry the year at much higher prices I don't believe we would be at the same PPS as we are currently,"

Thats where the true title of a CEO being fulfilled shows leadership. The would haves, should haves could haves are always a challenge that every CEO is faced with. This money issue should have had more vision perspective. When the sales aren't coming or materializing and not meeting a good forward cash management plan a good CEO changes his plan to meet the needs. He doesn't keep gambling on the hail mary pass, the one big account the dream etc. He should have been on this issue at least 2-3 years ago . You are looking at the consequences of poor cash planning needs. Somebody is going to be handed the consequences and its going to be the loyal shareholder who is gambling on a CEO who he himself is a gambler.