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02/15/12 12:49 PM

#135098 RE: BareBaxBo #135097


Thanks for sharing that piece. My takeaway boils down to this one line in the article - North Dakota’s money and banking reserves are being kept within the state and invested there.

Just think what would happen to our standard of living if we took on this tenet as a nation.


Baghdad Bob

02/15/12 2:43 PM

#135099 RE: BareBaxBo #135097

BBB & bank Common sense is not the ruling factor.
Getting the FAA on board was, and doing that won't come from ND.

I was wonder if David C's meeting with John Kerry had anything to do with it, probable has more to do with gov employees scared to death of the taxpayers.

As far a Calif, Santa Barbara / Monica, lots of oil sitting and waiting.
Oh no we can't do that were scared of the boogie man coming.

I will bet, being in a company like this before it takes off or commodities will be the only way to protect yourself from the disaster unfolding, cause common sense in government will never rule the day.

I feel a strong pull coming from Australia. I figure sometime after they crash housing prices down some, I'm out of here. Just my feeling for the moment.

WW If they play their cards right god only knows where this can go.