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02/13/12 10:40 PM

#26394 RE: The_Rake #26382

Hi Rake. No, we do not have any "Real News" that has been PR'ed. A couple things. The huge spike I believe recently was nothing other than a large # of Players deciding to target EGOC for the day. We saw the result of that a day later. We regressed back down. BUT, last week we heard that their was a scheduled date for the CC. Volume and the pps has picked up based on that. The CC was something that many doubted would happen. It IS going to happen. I do not know what will be in it but we will find out Friday. What we are seeing today I believe and in the days ahead is people buying in on "Anticipation" of something decent. That is very normal. After being here so long I guess if I can say one thing it is that we were told late last year by the CEO (Ray) that there would be something after the 1st of the year. It took a little longer than that but we at least have something to look forward to here on Friday. I am hoping we here something positive and not just "Fluff". Hope this helps and I encourage any others to post their views on what they believe may happen Friday.


02/13/12 10:40 PM

#26395 RE: The_Rake #26382

Part of the hype is because some the penny promoters promoted EGOC last thursday. From everything we could figure out it was not paid for by EGOC and the penny stock promoters claimed no compensation for their promotion. Our speculation is that it was just a chart call. We have many new eyes on this stock because of the promotion. So as people do their DD, some see great potential and are buying the stock, others flipped it Friday and are getting back in for another flip, etc, etc... You are correct that their is no "real new news" to get all excited about. The announcement of the CC was unexpected, especially when nothing substantial was going on. IMO people are speculating, just like with many other penny stocks. Buy before news and sell after news. I guess the CC is some form of news.

All I can say is that there is no complaint from my end, as long as the price is going up I am happy :).