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02/08/12 10:44 PM

#5253 RE: luckydude777 #5252

i read this yrs ago...naked shorting goes on profusely in 'pinkies' because the majority of up-start companies never make it..and, if you dont have to pay 'cap gains' on your 'short' trades.??

hmmm...making sense now why VFIN might have a reason to short the hell out a chinese stock that is behind on it's filings/transparency/..whatever??!!


02/08/12 10:52 PM

#5255 RE: luckydude777 #5252

I realize it's not customary to reveal one's HONEST position in a stock on these boards, but I did opt to be THE moderator of this stock when there was none, just so potential investors thought at least ONE person cared about this company.

I didn't take a very big position in this stock many weeks back when I entered the stock, because I'm just leary of ALL pennystocks, especially knowing how desperate people are in this economy to make a buck - at someone elses expense.

I sold all my shares of BFAR probably about a month ago, for a very small profit. I just didn't trust what I was watching going on with the price action.

I've watched the stock when I could, willing to take a new position if the company convinced me it was worth the risk. To date, they haven't. I have money to buy their stock if they can be more convincing.

I GREATLY appreciate that this board has neither turned into a pumping board, nor do I see it as a bashing board. I am greatly pleased to read those who have spent precious time trying to find out all they can about this company and the person/persons behind its operation.

I also greatly appreciate those who are trying to help others learn all they can about pennystock investments (uhhhh ... SCAMS included)