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02/08/12 12:32 PM

#134875 RE: Baghdad Bob #134867

“It’s not all about surveillance,” Mr. Aftergood said.
I beg to differ, for us, it is all about surveillance!

There is not enough police in this country to control what's going on right now in people's back yards, sheds, garages, basements, drug-wise, and our "lack of government" control over our borders is the cause!

I've lived in a nice quiet mid-western neighborhood for the last 15 years, and I have personally helped our neighborhood watch, shut down more than a dozen drug/gun dealers/rental houses than we can keep up with to include getting subpoenaed last year to testify to what was going on the year before! When you get outside and walk your neighborhoods/pay attention, you just start to notice things that don't look right anymore.

I'm not so sure, I didn't miss my calling somewhere down the line, because one felony/30 yr old kid was looking at 60 years, he squealed like a little pig and got 15 years. Next felon was looking at 15 years, got 5 years and another felon got 2 years, and another felon got 1 year, and there were others, so you get my drift. Most of the rest of these punks were mid 20's...

At least the cops are now well aware of what's gone on at all of these places shut down. Job well done if I don't say so myself! We neighbors went to city council lady lives next street over, only to have her pass us along to association. What a waste of our time that was! We had to include a judge in on the goings on before we got a final crack down on the whole lot of all of them.

I don't have a gun yet, but it's not out of the possibility. I'm sure I'm not alone in my thinking.