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07/29/05 12:16 PM

#120921 RE: sjratty #120919

You think I should put in a stop loss at $25 Bucks?

Quit being so negative,Holmes...

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07/29/05 12:19 PM

#120923 RE: sjratty #120919

I agree sjratty. Reality! A good post. eom
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07/29/05 12:21 PM

#120924 RE: sjratty #120919

i fully agree...Nokia said they would oppose and IDC said they would prepare for that,in fact the recent news concerning lawyers is a direct reference to that belief.Believe that Nokia WILL file monday probably at the last minute.Hopefully we can read WHAT they oppose.The good part is IF Nokia keeps trying to delay paying we may get paid a LOT more!
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07/29/05 12:22 PM

#120925 RE: sjratty #120919

Question..Have you researched prior successful attempts to Vacate a ICC Arbitral Award? TIA

Arbitration Clause That Limited Challenge to Arbitration Award Enforced
July 28, 2005 / ADR Institute Editor
The parties' agreement that expressly limited the review of an arbitral award was enforced, and extreme deference was given to judicial review of that award, according to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals.

In Communications Consultant, Inc. v. Nextel Communications of the Mid-Atlantic, Inc., 2005 WL 1634319 (3rd Cir. 2005)(Westlaw registration required), Nextel appealed from an order confirming an arbitration award in favor of Communications Consultant, Inc. (CCI), arguing that the arbitrators exceeded their authority by ignoring applicable law.

The Court noted that judicial review of arbitral awards is "extremely deferential' and vacatur is appropriate in "exceedingly narrow circumstances, such as where arbitrators are partial or corrupt, or where an arbitration panel manifestly disregards, rather than merely erroneously interprets, the law." Quoting the United States Supreme Court on deference to arbitral awards, an arbitrator's "'improvident, even silly, fact finding' does not provide a basis for a reviewing court to refuse to enforce the award." Major League Baseball Players Ass'n v. Garvey, 532 U.S. 504, 509 (2001)(Westlaw registration required).

In addition to the highly deferential approach to arbitral awards, the parties themselves agreed in their arbitration clause to limit challenges: "[t]he decision of the arbitrators shall be final and unreviewable for error of law or legal reasoning of any kind...."

With this language, the only basis for challenging the arbitral award would have been a showing of "corruption, fraud, or partiality or that the panel failed to provide a hearing to consider each party's views prior to issuing its decision." Since these circumstances did not occur, the Court held that the language of the arbitration provision foreclosed the arguments raised by Nextel in this appeal.

However, even if the Court could have considered Nextel's arguments, they still would have rejected their claims. The arbitrators did not ignore contract language when they reached an alternate conclusion as to its meaning. Further, the arbitrators did not ignore state law when they applied a Virginia Supreme Court decision and distinguished the trial court decision relied upon by Nextel. The Court stated, "Nextel may disagree with the approach reflected in the arbitration panel's award decision, but it is plain that the panel did not 'manifestly disregard' Virginia law."

I'll never understand.....

this board. People speculate and speculate that Nokia will capitulate on monday and not contest the award. Why are people so willing to ignore the facts. IDCC and Nokia have already jointly said in a court filing that Nokia told IDCC that it "intends on" and "will" contest the award. The parties have jointly filed a report with the court establishing a schedule for briefing the motion to vacate. These are the only facts we know. Is it possible that after years of litigation and adversarial briefs the parties came together in the last few days? Sure. But, anything is possible. The facts show taht the substantial likelihood is a filing on monday. To not disappoint yourselves, be prepared.

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07/29/05 12:23 PM

#120926 RE: sjratty #120919

sjratty...agree, boy do I hope that we hear a real positive come Monday but I am very pessimistic about it at this point. Cross my fingers and toes but I expect more delay.....If I am wrong I will be the happiest person in te world, I want it to be done with now so we can move on 3G licensees..
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07/29/05 12:29 PM

#120930 RE: sjratty #120919

It's because these people don't deal in facts. They want to believe what they want to believe. Everyone else is a basher or short. If it wasn't so sad, I'd laugh.
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07/29/05 12:35 PM

#120934 RE: sjratty #120919

Sjratty, Is it fair to assume that Nokia's right to appeal the ICC's award ends today? Since this is the last business day of the month and they have 30 days to ask for a review or an appeal I find it strange that so far they haven't done anything.

Doesn't it make sense if Nokia doesn't agree with the ICC award that they should try and make them change it?

The way I see it is they are now possibly going to ask a court to vacate an award that they themselves didn't even try to have corrected. If I were the judge I would tell them quit wasting my time.
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07/29/05 12:48 PM

#120942 RE: sjratty #120919

Agreed. Also, people should note that in the Scheduling Order, it said that Nokia shall file their opposition to the award by Monday. Remember that loop said that shall means they definitely will.

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07/29/05 3:40 PM

#120977 RE: sjratty #120919

I am convinced that Nokia will file Monday for a "Stay of IDCC's Motion to confirm"..while the Arbitral process has yet to be exhausted....But in any event it only buys them some time while they are waiting on Death Row..History confirms that those in that position have very little Bargaining power..

I'll never understand.....

this board. People speculate and speculate that Nokia will capitulate on monday and not contest the award. Why are people so willing to ignore the facts. IDCC and Nokia have already jointly said in a court filing that Nokia told IDCC that it "intends on" and "will" contest the award. The parties have jointly filed a report with the court establishing a schedule for briefing the motion to vacate. These are the only facts we know. Is it possible that after years of litigation and adversarial briefs the parties came together in the last few days? Sure. But, anything is possible. The facts show taht the substantial likelihood is a filing on monday. To not disappoint yourselves, be prepared.