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01/28/12 9:32 AM

#19153 RE: GoldenBull #19152

Hey GBull - At the helpful suggestion by UK Sausage to do a little more research, I found the mission of the FDA. It is clear the goals are safety, efficacy and security of humans and us mutts. Nice mention of medical devices, FDA likes them too and it clearly acknowledges their endorsement of alternatives to drugs, it's where the world is and should be going.

FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation. UNQUOTE

So, both the FDA and Health Canada have safety and efficacy as the priorities - as they properly should. And they both cite devices.

To your post - I invested in BIEL because the ActiPatch worked a small miracle on a black & blue sprained ankle and I did not have to take the painkillers and anti-inlammatory drugs prescribed by my Doc. After 3 days of almost 24 hour ActiPatch, I went back to him, walking comfortably, most swelling gone. Tender? yes. Tentative? yes. But I was mobile and pretty comfortable. He couldn't believe it. It works!
Why did I go back to my Doc? To return the crutches - comments he made to me after the examination were were - "X-ray shows no break; you've got a very severe sprain, which is often more painful than a cracked or broken ankle; you'd better be prepared to be mostly off that ankle for 3 weeks to a month and here use these."

In my opinion, if BIEL does not get FDA approval ASAP, it is proof that the drug companies can influence decisions inappropriately, but I stress, I'm not a scientist. When BIEL does get its approval, it will be solid proof that the FDA is above the influences of the big drug companies and common sense prevailed. Pretty simple stuff.
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01/28/12 10:14 AM

#19154 RE: GoldenBull #19152

Thanks for sharing the share structure and your calculations GB. A dropping PPS will continue to be our concern over the dreaded R/S now. If I were to choose why I got into BIEL from either of the two choices presented: 1). Belief in product, or 2). Greed, then I'd have to choose (1), belief in product, because to me "greed" is when you first make a lot of money from something & then you continue to want even more because you are not satisfied, but in most cases here, a lot of money was lost and we are trying to recover it and that was driven probably by Fear. Two more things I'd like to add to your list and (3). Fear (includes desperation) and the other is (4). Stupidity. (We keep averaging down because of the fear of the losses we have already incurred." Quote from the movie Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps: "Bulls make money, Bears make money, and pigs get slaughtered." I don't think BIEL shareholders are pigs, but we've been having our investment "slaughtered" up to now, and it will continue until either the FDA gets off their bureaucratic azzes and start doing their job, or revenues increase. Gooo BIEL!
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01/28/12 10:35 AM

#19157 RE: GoldenBull #19152

I invested because i wanted make some moneey with my investment, a fast return.
back in summer 2009, this stock was in everybody s mouth, and it really looked FDA was going to approve that.
i was reading a lot of mb, was signing BIOMEDS REPORTS com, and was following lot of stocks waiting FDA approval....they were giving timelines for each, but only BIEL tooked this long.I remember NEPH, it was waiting a lot, and at the end they rejected their dyalisis machine...after 1,5 year waiting....

in the meantime, i was changing emails with ANDY and JOE NOEL, and they were pumping BIEL, and telling me...''don t sell, don t be stupid, we care about your investment, great things to come, 2010 is BIELS year,2011 is BIELS year,2012 is BIELS year,and a lot of distribution deals , that never came to a close.
So, we can blame FDA, but we can blame manageament, for having such a level of incompetence, when they have -and that i believe-such a good product.
this was the last emails i got from ANDY, after telling me during 2 years, that they take care of my money, and that he keeps investing in the company.

''You never put food on my table. I have the dignity to keep investing my own money and working. I am not a little whining bitch like you who can do nothing but cry. ''

''You bought stock from another shareholder; not me. I did not sell your dumb ass anything. I do not have your money stupid.''
''I am still here. Persistence is what pays. I am still working and investing in the Company. If you cannot take the heat, you should stay out of the kitchen. People like you should not be allowed to invest. You do not pack the gear to invest or to get personal with me. You are a shit maggot. I do not want to hear any more of your dribble. Your dumb ass probably inherited the money anyway. Go tell your mommy the world is not being kind to you. ''

you can see by his words, how much he respects people that were supporting and sustaining his company for 3 years.

They increased AS, so that they can keep hire phd's and a whole role of important experts, and that they keep their wealthy style of life.
You can say this email i posted of him is out of contest, but it was the answer to this i wrote:
''When are you having some dignity and give back to shareholders some trust and reward for the food they have put on table so that your family could eat all these years?''

So, judge for yourself, if i was in his position, i would accept shareholders are furious, and ask apologize, also, after lying and pumping this for 3 years in his emails to me, but no, he just keeps being phony and arrogant.

we all see at the end, but i think its not FDA, i think its them fault, screwing us.You can see also, there's none of the 50 or so stocks JOE NOEL got involved, that has ever succeed.....they know what they are doing- using (stealing) money of dumb shareholders like you and me. its clear.