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01/26/12 2:28 PM

#37715 RE: ZincFinger #37711

Zinc, I think Kim may have made the decision to use SAGE Labs (SIAL's) contract growing and production facilities until the products are ready for market. That would make sense. We know they can keep a secret and I'm sure a confidentiality agreement is already in place.

After a contract to supply product is completed then he can expand the capabilities if he needs too.

Just because Kim states that KBLB is ramping up 'lab production' it doesn't necessarily mean Notre Dame's labs. It could be SAGE's labs. We also have to be employing a spinning/weaving company to produce fabric for testing at this time.

Therefore we could already have at least 2 possible partners and all we are waiting for is pure spider silk and confirmation of a stable platform worm before announcing the deals. imo.

It's all good, imo and we will hear for sure within 30 days. I am hoping for 2-3 PR's before the event to get us up to speed.


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01/26/12 5:55 PM

#37727 RE: ZincFinger #37711

Kblbs past performance allows one to draw objective opinions regarding future performance. statements from Kblb and kim wil be the only validation as to which speculation is correct.

it is up to the business to take this to market. the announcement last summer of commercial quality monstersilk, told everyone they had a worm to make a product that was better than what the current market is able to produce.

To date, there is no market share, when kblb claimed they had a superior product than currently on the market and nothing prd to date says we will have a product and that, that product will grab a part of the current market.

Go kblb.
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01/28/12 5:28 PM

#37827 RE: ZincFinger #37711

ZF I know you have covered your views on this before but I am curious if you would give me your run down on what you expect from the newest insertion.

Time line That I see.

07/05/2011 Round 1

announced the completion of its first round of zinc finger micro-insertions.

"The immediate results from this first round of generic insertion are truly encouraging, as we observed a high hatch rate within a few days of employing the new technology."
" even as we monitor the development of these silkworms, we are preparing for the next round of micro-insertions."

08/08/2011 Round 2

announced that researchers working with the Company recently completed the second round of micro-insertions using zinc finger technology. The use of the zinc finger technology in the second round is designed to further enhance Kraig's previously disclosed Monster Silk polymers.

"This round of micro-insertions is focused on further modifying and advancing the capabilities of our 'Monster Silk' caterpillars," said CEO Kim Thompson. "In the second round, the zinc finger technology is being used to modify one of the company's transgenic lines of silk worm that are already producing recombinant spider silk. This work represents a significant step forward from our first round of zinc finger micro-insertions.

The current second round is focused on two objectives: 1) modifying the profile of the expressed proteins in the previously disclosed "Monster Silk" fiber, and 2) potentially creating a new recombinant silk platform technology.

We are very optimistic that we will be able to announce results from the first round in early Fall, and results from the second round, in approximately the middle to late Fall."

11/14/2011 "early fall" results from round 1

announced that researchers at the University of Notre Dame, utilizing customized zinc finger configurations licensed to Kraig from Sigma-Aldrich, succeeded in creating seven or more strains of transgenically modified silkworms.

The Company believes that this breakthrough removes the largest barrier to pure spider silk technology.

The zinc finger nuclease were designed to cleave the silkworm's native heavy chain gene. The resulting silkworms were inter-mated to produce 50 mating pairs, which each produced clutches of approximately 100 eggs. Genetic testing designed to detect mutations at the site of zinc finger cleavage were preformed and the testing recovered positive results for zinc finger disruption, therefore knockout of the native heavy chain gene in embryos, from 7 of the first 13 mating pairs, analyzed.

"The laboratory reports that seven new strains of transgenics have been confirmed so far."

"We anticipate that we will be able to recover homozygous knockout silkworms from these pools of embryos with little difficulty. These homozygous commercial strain heavy chain knockouts will serve as a more effective platform technology for rapid development and commercialization of future spider silk transgenics, allowing us to readily recover commercially ready spider silk transgenics by simply screening for the production of cocoons."

12/12/2011 round 3

announced that the Company has taken delivery, from Sigma-Aldrich, of newly created zinc finger nuclease configurations. These zinc fingers were created per the Company's requirements pursuant to the Company's license agreement with Sigma-Aldrich. These zinc fingers were specifically designed to enable Kraig Biocraft Laboratories to produce advanced fibers and textiles based on spider silk genetic sequences.

Zinc fingers are a gene splicing technology which Kraig Biocraft Laboratories has recently used to create seven new strains of transgenic silkworm. The customized zinc fingers, which are being announced today, are a new configuration that has been specifically tailored for the creation of the Company's second generation advanced fibers and technical textiles program.

"We have designed specific genetic constructs which are the blueprints for a revolutionary spider silk polymer," said Company founder and CEO, Kim K Thompson. "The new ZFN tools have been created for us by Sigma-Aldrich for the specific purpose of helping us move from the blueprints to the actual production of this exciting material."

"While we remain excited about the commercial prospects for our current generation of recombinant spider silk based polymers, there is no question that the fibers that these zinc fingers were designed to help create are much more advanced," continued Thompson. "We believe that this second generation technology has the potential to open up entirely new markets."

The Company is already gearing up to perform the genetic splices with the new technology. "Our experience with the first ZFN configurations over the summer was incredibly positive," said Thompson. "We were able to achieve a much higher success rate with our first gene splices than we anticipated, resulting in the creation of seven new strains of transgenics," Thompson continued. "If these new configurations work even half as well, we can expect the very advanced fibers that we have designed to become a very exciting tangible reality."


"Originally we scheduled a genetic insertion to take place in December," stated Thompson. "We changed that schedule in order to review and confirm our protocols," Thompson continued, "and that short delay is a major factor in our conference call rescheduling. The first round of insertions for our generation two technology has now taken place, and the conference call is being scheduled for February."

OK so stay with me if you can LOL

1/19 we put off the insertions for december.
12/12 These are the insertions that were put off. (Gen 2)
11/14 results from round 1: seven new strains of transgenics have been confirmed so far (This is being done on a "normal" worm for gen 2)

8/8 focused on further modifying and advancing the capabilities of our 'Monster Silk' (Gen1)

So we have results from the first insertion of gen 2 worms. 7 strains

We do not know the results from the second insertion done on monster worms.

We do not have the results of the 3rd insertion since it was put off.

This means the CC should be covering:
the changes made to the monster worm
the information on the 7 new strains of gen 2 fiber
The newest info on the custom ZFNs (Gen 2.1)that we put off the CC for.

Is this correct in your opinion? It seems to me I remember you thinking there was something else done.