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07/27/05 3:26 PM

#88589 RE: dig space #88578

Dig ...thanks,but still looking for that other name! /e


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07/27/05 5:12 PM

#88614 RE: dig space #88578

Dig Space, that is close enough

One relatively minor correction...

The TDDL interacts with the TDDLi (TDDL interface), which connects to the rest of the TSS and ultimately either to an interoperable CSP, a TSS vendor specific CSP, or is written to directly by app developer tools like MSCAPI.

A CSP is part of the MSCAPI architecture. End-user applications not utilizing MSCAPI or PKCS #11 would access the functionality of the TPM via TSPi (TCG Services Provider Interface) or possibly via TCSi (TCG Core Services Interface). For Windows systems, TCS runs as a system level service and the TSP's run in-process with their base client applications. You can verify on pages 17 - 19 of the 1.1 spec (pasted at the bottom of this post for reference).

Also, some comments I made previously regarding the position of Wave's CSP.

I don't really care for your critique of Wave's management, but as far as the technical side is concerned you are mostly on the money.



1.6.1 TCG Service Provider (TSP)

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This module provides TCG services for applications. It provides the high-level TCG functions allowing applications to focus on their specialty while relying on the TSP to perform most of the trusted functions provided by the TPM. This module also provides a small number of auxiliary functions for convenience not provided by the TPM such as hashing.

In environments that provide layers of protections (i.e., rings) or separation of applications into processes, this module is intended to reside within the same ring and process as the application. There will likely be one TSP per application. On operating systems that provide multiple processes, there may be multiple TSPs residing on the platform.

End of informative comment.

A TSS implementation MUST provide the functionality of the TCG Service Provider (TSP). Depending on the implementation, the TSP MAY be a discreet module or MAY be integrated into other platform modules. This module MAY provide protected transfer of information of data between the application by residing within the same process as the application.

TCG Software Stack (TSS) Specification Page 18

The TSP MUST provide the 'C' interface as defined in section 3 TCG Service Provider (TSP) of this specification. For the 'C' interface the TSP MUST provide dynamic linking to the application and MAY provide static linking to the application. If the TSP is implemented in a Microsoft® Windows® application, the TPM MUST, in addition, provide a COM interface. TSP Interface (TSPI)

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The interface to the TSP is the TSP Interface (TSPI). This is an object oriented interface. It resides within the same process as the application. In some implementations it may be trusted with sensitive data such as authorization data to the same extent as the application itself. This may be required for functions where the application gathers the object’s authentication data from the user an passes it to the TSP for processing into the command’s authentication data format.
End of informative comment.

If a TSS provides a TSP, it MUST provide the required interfaces defined in this document. TSP Context Manager (TSPCM)
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The TSP Context Manager (TSPCM) provides dynamic handles that allow for efficient usage of both the application’s and TSP’s resources. Each handle provides context for a set of interrelated TCG operations. Different threads within the application may share the same context or may acquire a separate context per thread.
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If a TSS provides a TSP, it MUST provide the functions required to establish and maintain context for a set of interrelated functions. TSP Cryptographic Functions (TSPCF)
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To make full use the TPM’s protected functions, supporting cryptographic functions must be provided. It is not necessary for these supporting functions to be protected. Example functions are: Hashing algorithm and Byte-stream generator.
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If a TSS provides a TSP, it MUST provide the cryptographic functions required as defined in section 3 TCG Service Provider (TSP).

1.6.2 TCG Core Services (TCS)

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A service provider is any component used by the application that allows that application access to the TCS (and thus the TPM) from within the application’s process. Service providers, of which the TSP is but one possible instantiation, cannot communicate directly with the TPM. Additionally, there are multiple common services that either must or should be shared among the set of the platform’s service providers.

The TCG Core Services (TCS) provides a common set of services per platform for all service providers. Since the TPM is not required to be multithreaded, it provides threaded access to the TPM.

End of informative comment.

Any service provider MUST be allowed to connect to and obtain services from the TCS. The TCS MUST not restrict access to only a TSP.

The TCS MUST provide single threaded access to the TPM.

TCG Software Stack (TSS) Specification Page 19

There MUST be only one TCS per platform operating system. TCS Interface (Tcsi)

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The interface to the TCS is the TCS Interface (Tcsi). This is a simple ‘C’ style interface. While it may be allow multithreaded access to the TCS, each operation is intended to be atomic. In most environments it resides as a system process, separate from the application and service provider processes. If the environment provides for the TCS to reside in a system process, communication between the service providers and the TCS would be via an RPC. Because the channel between the service provider and the TCS will be outside the protection of the process, no unprotected data (e.g., raw authentication data) should be transferred directly to the TCS.
End of informative comment.

If a TSS provides a TCS, it MUST provide the required interfaces defined in this document.

If the platform’s environment provides, the TCS MUST function as a system service.

If the TCS functions as a system service, the TCS MUST NOT be implemented to allow the transfer of raw authentication data between the service provider and the TCS. TCS Context Manager (TCSCM)

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The TCS Context Manager (TCSCM) provides dynamic handles that allow for efficient usage of both the service provider’s and TCS’s resources. Each handle provides context for a set of interrelated TCG operations. Different threads within the service provider may share the same context or may acquire a separate context per service provider.
End of informative comment.

The TCS MUST provide the functions required to establish and maintain context for a set of interrelated functions.