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01/25/12 11:08 PM

#1930 RE: Ironmac #1925

Yeah. I'm fairly convinced that Apple will use lqmt on iPhone 5 backs.

The backs are pretty simple shapes and should be RELATIVELY easy to mold and etch.

Jobs hated phones that scratch (keys in pocket etc) which is why they are currently using glass instead of aluminum on the backs. The current glass backs sometimes break though which surely vexes Cook and Ive at Apple.

iPad backs are made of machined aluminum, which scratches. Another factor pointed out to me is when aluminum is machined the dust creates an explosion hazard. Not good for PR or factories.

Lqmt backs would be scratch proof, drop proof and the etchings would look other worldly, making most Android phones look like cheap toys. Seeing an iPhone 5 hologram across Starbucks is a quality Android could not even get close to matching. Apple phones are status items in most of Asia where they are selling so fast people riot when they can't get one. Imagine how much more in demand they would be with Lqmt holograph backs!!! Asian culture loves color.

Apple could probably squeeze in a bit more battery area too, something they are desperate to achieve. Battery life is incredibly important to professionals.

All signs point to Apple having a tremendous desire to make this happen, even if they only use backs on one high end model.

On the strength of those factors + the Materion factories, I put in a buy order for more today. Missed but have another buy order for tomorrow. Cross fingers. I think anything under .14 is reasonable. I'm a long term holder generally but I'd probably sell if Apple announces lqmt in the iPhone 5. Then try to buy back in in a week or so after the frenzy dies down.

If the stock goes down again I'll buy more. Its so cheap any losses are negligible compared to the potential. Normally I never by pennies but Apple and Engle backing this company makes me feel secure.