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01/22/12 12:18 PM

#50521 RE: davidam #50519

Convertibles are a common in this penny land BUT rarely does the company have the odassity to let them converty shortly after claiming a buyback ALONG with failed execution of a "3" legged awarness campaign along with their "can't miss product" being delayed.

This has been nothing less then a complete and utter failure. The most attractive part of this stock used to be the lack of dilution and stable share structure but now we dont even have that.

You say that " With Linda's Connections" we have been hearing about lindas connections for years and what has come of it ? If her connections were so great would they have even needed to get this debenture in the first place? I mean if she is " So well connected" why were they having to access the worst form of a loan they could possibly get you'd think these great connection could have yeiled some sort of loan to at least delay the debenture being converted if " they only need a little more time" as they claim.

Another thing if this technology was so great when Reggie was here presenting to these people that Linda set up in December dont you think they would have been able to get some money to pay off the not at least partially to buy some more time ?

All IMO of course.