liu -- not sure of your question.... but...
The vote, is a bankruptcy requirement, placed on the "Debtors" to conduct (aka, "Washington Mutual, Inc" (WMI) -- the holding company of what was Washington Mutual Bank - WMB)
The Debtors, through their hired agent, KCCLLC is conducting the vote.
They, by law, are conducting the "Vote" on the plan, and the collection of those 'releasing'.
There is no "Credit Committee of Shareholders".
There is a "Creditor's Committee" -- statutory by law, in all bankruptcy proceedings. They hold "debt" in the bankrupt company.
Seperately, there is, an appointed "Equity Committee" -- a rare occurring, but happened here, representing all the classes of equity shares (WAMUQ, WAMPQ, WAMKQ).
The EC recommends you vote for the plan, and grant the releases.
Every shareholder, is voting, individually. That's how the law works.
So is every debtor, etc. There are 22 classes of folks involved. Many will be voting.
There's some stickies to read.