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01/17/12 12:53 PM

#12881 RE: codie #12879

And the evidence of them doing this is what???


01/17/12 1:16 PM

#12885 RE: codie #12879

On the subject of fraud and credibility, would it be fraudulent for an individual operating either on their own behalf or as an agent of an organization to assert they are a shareholder in a company, and have others justifiably rely on that fact, when they do not own that stock? Thought you might have some insight on this, since you appear to be knowledgeable on the subject of fraud. Go MSLP. GLTA

Looks like Musclepharm is fraudulently labeling some of their supplements with the NSF certification mark. just like I thought.

This is not good. This sets them up for potential lawsuits and certainly kills there credibility. The negative publicity could be disastrous.


01/17/12 2:05 PM

#12890 RE: codie #12879

You are right... the potential for bad things are there. Being suspended from NSF being one of the several things that COULD happen. Worse yet, there could be lawsuits and the like.

I also suspect it is also an opportunity to make this right, but they should get on this ASAP. I really don't think they did this intentionally, but more of lack of.. well .. a lack of something that they should have known and been on the ball about.

Perhaps I am wrong, but if they are going to bring on any more "talent", I would suggest bringing on some internal talent to dot the "i"s and cross the "t"s. Marketing people they might be... experts on staying fit they likely are.... but there is a clear lack of detail oriented review.

Really.... guys (Brad, Cory, Jeremy).... while you might view your shareholders as a pain in the butt and more trouble than we are worth.... we have now caught a few of your errors and helping you proactively address them. Oh... and we have helped to keep the lights on. THROW US A BONE.