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01/13/12 11:33 AM

#75128 RE: pknopick #75127

A non-issue if you're not invested in CBAI. But if you're invested in CBAI, it CERTAINLY is an issue.

The money used to buy these cakes from Matt's other company did not come from profit, but came at the cost of shares. Those shares dilute the value of investors. So, the money that Matt dilutes comes from the market and goes almost DIRECTLY to his pockets. And you see it as a non-issue? Give me a break.

I wish I could dilute shares of CBAI and put it directly into the pockets of a business I run. But I don't have that ability, now do I? Matt's showing NO responsibility when it comes to separating the two businesses. It's a clear conflict of interest.
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01/13/12 12:46 PM

#75136 RE: pknopick #75127

Well, thank you for the acknowledgement that it was, in fact, CBAI.

So now let's talk about why CBAI did not list it as a Related Party transaction, even though FFGG did. And why CBAI seems to have gone to great effort to avoid even acknowledging it, until it was pried from IR's lips.

I have a theory why this was so swept under the rug - because it reflects badly on the CEO.

It's amazing how all of these things are always defined as a "non-issue". If it is a non-issue, why be so cagey about it?

I may be many things, but I'm not an idiot. There is absolutely no justification to incur a 30k ADVANCE ice cream expense at this point in time. Especially for customers that have already signed up.

Is this how the negotiations went between FFGG and CBAI?

Matt: "I want to buy some ice cream."

Matt: "Ok, I have a great deal for myself. If I buy at least $30,000 worth, I'll give myself a discount."

Matt: "But money is tight right now at CBAI, and we don't know how long we'll remain in business (check our SEC filings) - maybe we should just do $5,000 to start with."

Matt: "Too bad, Matt. If you want the discount, you need to buy at least $30,000 worth."

Matt: "Come on Matt - you're in the process of capitalizing your business, and I know that this is just a way to get a lump sum of cash in the door."

Matt: "Take it or leave it."

Matt: "You drive a hard bargain, Matt."

Matt: "Pleasure doing business with you, Matt. Come on back if you want any more cakes."
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01/14/12 8:14 AM

#75176 RE: pknopick #75127

I disagree... the ISSUE isn't the cakes themselves...
Although, I DO question the self-dealing involved!
What OTHER options were looked at?
As a parent myself, I can say I'd rather receive something like this:;
Oh LOOK AT THAT! these are like 1/2 the price of those $40 ice cream cakes!!!
Which some people probably don't even want!
...EVERYONE takes pictures of their child!!!

Unless YOU can find it for me???

and NO...if it is listed as a line item somewhere, that is NOT the same! DUH!
There is a REASON he has to list PYRENEES, China Stem Cells, etc. as a "RELATED PARTY"!!!
...the SAME reason that FFGG SHOULD BE!!!

Remember, how I tried to tell you that Matty was violating the "no advertising a relationship" rule???
You ignored me then too! LOL!!!

Too FUNNY!!! I guess the AABB did not see it as a "non-issue"...

"I had Cord Blood America fix their website ( > learn more about CBAI) this last week and they did so. Using the link in a previous email shows what you refer to. I can’t help past emails which seem to be fixed, but the website was addressed.

You are correct that facilities who have started the accreditation process are not allowed to advertise that fact before becoming accredited. When we discover they are doing so we take measures to address it.


Karen Whilden, MT(ASCP)SBB, CQA(ASQ)
Accreditation and Quality Department
Phone 301-215-6549"

I WONDER...Will the SEC see Matty's FAILURE TO REPORT certain material events, and this related party transaction, as a "non-issue"???
I wonder WHAT "MEASURES" will the SEC take???
Will they just make him change the filing???
Or will there be
FINES involved???

While we're waiting, perhaps you can address this false statement made:

Looks like debt is getting paid down!!!

Debt is just being SHUFFLED!!!
Matt is robbing Peter to pay Paul...
JUST an expression...not to be taken LITERALLY!!! LOL!

Note 3. Notes and Loans Payable
At September 30, 2011 and December 31, 2010, notes and loans payable consist of:
(see them all on page F-12!)
December 31,2010...2,141,617
September 30,2011...2,388,675
Gosh! does it look like CBAI owes MORE money NOW???

What about that "cash flow positive " BS???
That story has been being told FOR YEARS NOW!!!

If it was TRUE... then WHY did Matty just suck another $50K out of Tangiers???
"Since the DTC removed the “chill” on or around November 16, 2011, the Company has accessed $50,000.00 of capital from investors, all of which came from Tangiers."

AHH, Yes...Mr.TRANSPARENT has the TA GAGGED so we have to wait until the filings to find out
But that SURE DOESN'T keep the shares from FLYING OUT THE DOOR!!!
does it??? LOL!

Maybe you want to comment on that most of the story has finally come out...IN CBAI's FILINGS, EH?!?
(I know your excuse before was that it wasn't CBAI's you didn't have a comment)
"In August of 2011, Ironridge Global IV, Ltd. (“Ironridge”), the holder of certain claims against the Company in the amount of $260,695.20 due for services provided to us which had not been paid, filed a complaint against us in Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles. On August 17, 2011, the Court approved our settlement of the complaint in exchange for issuing 7,000,000 shares of our common stock pursuant to Section 3(a)(10) of the Securities Act of 1933 as amended. In accordance with the approved settlement, the number of shares to be issued to Ironridge was subject to adjustment. In accordance with the settlement, the Company issued 7,000,000 shares to Ironridge on August 17, 2011, and an additional 2,179,018 shares on November 4, 2011, pursuant to the adjustment required under the settlement agreement."

FUNNY!!! Note that with this addition, they NOW shelled out a total of 9,179,018 shares


Or WHAT A JOKE??? Matty is the MOST PATHETIC CEO >>> EVER!!!

You DO KNOW that that was a "material event" that was not reported, right?
Or how about the FACT that it is a LEGAL PROCEEDING,
that STILL is not reported in that section???

I'm's a "non-issue"...
You don't MIND IF I ASK THE SEC's OPINION on that, do you???