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01/25/03 9:08 AM

#18093 RE: tempaussie #18092

temp ~~~ 'chill out' LOL !!!! :) this will make the coffee taste better.......

EZ 2 :)


01/25/03 10:30 AM

#18096 RE: tempaussie #18092

OT: tempaussie, G/M! My intent was not to ruin your or anybody else's morning, honestly. lol Thanks for taking the time to present another side of the debate. As for which will be deemed " evil/black " or " good/white " we will need to wait upon history.


01/25/03 12:21 PM

#18099 RE: tempaussie #18092

tempaussie. . .

It's interesting to read some of the opinions on both sides of the story, here. I believe what people are failing to focus on is that Saddam Hussain has and is hiding WMD. If he would just come out and explain why he has them, I'm sure things would be better than trying to hide them. At least he could say, "We are a sovereign country and we choose to arm ourselves so we can defend ourselves against any potential instrusions or attacks." We only hear (in America) one side of the story via the press. Therefore, everyone suspects Saddam is an "evil doer" or some type of despotic ruler. The fact remains, however, Saddam will use the weapons he harbors. Sooner or later, he will use them. The United States will as well.

I'm an American, Pennsylvanian born. I thank the Lord each day that I was born in America. I do not, however, understand why the United States conservative party focuses on handling all worldly matters. This focus on Iraq appears to me to be an angle in which the conservative party can change the public focus from the "War on Terrorism". . .which will never be won. Not without the cooperation of the world. And attacking Iraq will not be a good strategy to maintain the support from our allies in the war against terror. It's as if we are going out to create more terror in order to sedate our own frustrations (economy, terror attacks. . .etc). What if some potential "future" superpower decided that they wanted to disarm the United States? Particularly since the United States appears to be forcing lands who have lived in their own belief system into following the lead of Democracy? That should stir some opinions.

The United States was founded by great people. However, we destroyed those who lived here in order to take over the territory. The United States has a history far beyond the creation of our nation. Try walking the "Trail of Tears" sometime and let me know how it feels when the understanding of needless death was forced upon tribal people.

On Iraq. . .I say, take teams in and identify the weapons we accuse them of having. Let the Iraq people know that the materials which they harbour are in violation to the treaty ending the Gulf War. Let the people know that the weapons will be removed. Preferably, without force. Set up camps where the people can escape to in order to get food and healthcare while the event is taking place WITH the agreement of all United Nations members. Don't launch any weapons. If that is the way our nation chooses to "Lead by Example" then we are no better than the rest of the terror inflicting nations. What if you would have been a Cherokee or a Sioux indian in the United States when the pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock? First, you teach the new people how to grow and harvest corn. . .and other life sustaining necessities, and eventually they chase you out.

Ahhhh. . .the "right" and "wrong" debate will always go on, and on. . .and on. I believe the best thing that we can do as human beings is to "get along". One way of practicing that philosophy of thought is to stay away from other message boards that clearly promote the reciprocal of that intent. And of course, to stay out of other nation's interests so long as they are not invading ours.


M&M Man


01/26/03 12:07 AM

#18114 RE: tempaussie #18092

O.T. Verry discerning of you "tempaussie". Sure is a breath of fresh air after the drum beat of shallow thinkimg we've been getting here on the subject. Thanks you and thank God for George Bush.



01/26/03 2:03 AM

#18115 RE: tempaussie #18092

tempaussie - If you believe this war is (Iraq) good vs. evil then you believe in the toothfairy as well. It is about commodities and power and economic domination and of course cultural hatred.....FOr example it was easier to A-bomb the Japanses then consider doing it to the aryans....Even though it was clear that the atrosities going on there were inhuman....Or that why at the height of the war nazis were walking our streets free and the Japanese were in camps...

Good and evil are sometimes determined by who is telling the story....