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01/10/12 7:19 PM

#2367 RE: KLee #2366

Belgium, France, Greece, Italy and Spain have short selling restrictions and the EP is working on regulation of short selling and sovereign debt CDS’s to come into effect in November. So yes, you can short stocks ‘in Europe’.

I saw the PR emails from UTOG, these were far from a normal investment prospectus! The claims were wild and impossible to back up at this time. The balance sheets out in the next 20 days will speak volumes on where the company is at.


01/11/12 11:08 PM

#2381 RE: KLee #2366

I quess all those comments from investors here and all those emails I read sent from posters here[this board]and those 1000 plus pages can't get UTOG relisted because before when the stock was rising daily and everyone making tons of money,so much so that people decided to stop it,kill the golden goose,by emails to the SEC!WHAT?Were they jealous because it went from 5 pennies to $2 dollars and 66 cents?A totally unique conspiricy theory,Elvis!LOL Sure hope it don't skyrocket again,then we're doomed!