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Sola Fide

01/07/12 1:13 AM

#50168 RE: justcallmeDD #50167

And a Salute to you sir....
I was just reviewing the posts the posts and am completely amazed at what I am reading.
Company has taken 90% or better of the loooong term investors money and I read from one many, many year investor that he is still as I'm shaking my head in disbelief....
No where will one find an investor who's been decimated on a stock for 5, 7 yrs...I can't even remember how long is has been, and still excited.
Another shareholder who's got 10c on the dollar left of his investment is suggesting Reggie and RTGV haven't got a fair shake...they deserve more time.

Perhaps it is a philanthropic endeavor...or an expensive hobby, donating huge sums of money to a company

Trying to sucker in investors....

This isn't an investment...its a trade at best, that has been evidenced over & over for years. A reasonable & prudent investor doesn't classify loosing 90% or better on a stock in 1yr or even recently few months as an investment....perhaps a Bad investment, a mistake.

Suggesting investors should circle up and support the company...really, that's precisely what some have done for the last year or more, that certainly has been to the detriment of the shareholders.
How many times have the indentured investors averaged down....still to be a 10 bagger away from break even...or worse.
What has RTGV done for the shareholders, or anyone who has supported them, including the service providers and note holders...they've all gotten duped by RTGV's failures.

RTGV has probably close to $1m worth of indentured shareholders monies....seems to me THEY owe something to those indentured, not the other way round.

IMO....indentured longs need to take a step back and review the last 1 to 2 years and all the excuses they have freely given the principles of RTGV. Revisit all the failures and lack of communications as RTGV switched roads and leadership.
RTGV needed to be held accountable a long time ago...long before the indentured were down 90%.
Imo a lot of undisciplined investors let RTGV run over them...and now their reduced to...."lets be positive" and maybe we'll get some of our money back.

Sheesh...hard to read some of this stuff from "seasoned" investors / traders....gotta be equally as hard for them to say it...imo.

This is a bottom bounce play (provided this is the bottom) at best...imo


01/07/12 6:39 AM

#50170 RE: justcallmeDD #50167

Couldn't agree more.

I m hopeful, only because I'm down 90% from my entry point. I am not putting any more money into this, but being so far in the red leaves me no choice but to hold and hope.

The company is to fault for everything that has transpired. There is absolutely no reason why we would be down here, unless Cloud Channel is nothing more than vaporware.

The only light is Aderra. They seem to be into what Reggie is doing enough to at least talk about it.

Hold and wait and if by the end of 2012 we've seen nothing and we're still here, I'll dump for tax loss purposes.


01/07/12 9:39 AM

#50173 RE: justcallmeDD #50167

Compensated Awareness Post View Disclaimer
Always I respect your posting but don't always agree with you. That being said I think I have agreed with you most of the time

You want everyone to throw in the towel now at this cheap price? You don't think making efforts to bring new money into the stock is going to help. Such as going to conferences and seeking new investors?

Granted if there is clearly no hope left why continue to beat a dead horse. That's just it there is tons of hope left and from talking to shareholders a majority still feels that way. Could it continue to fail and no execution takes place on all the things mentioned in Reggies blog and PR? absolutely is the answer. Can the very same things start to come to fruition and we bring in solid partners and clients like the ones Aderra has? Absolutely is the answer

Reggie was left a mess which I know you alluded to yourself many times. It takes time to clean up a mess put the pieces together and grow.

"in the past five months: silence, regime change, more silence, more silence, an interview about some sort of launching at end of january, and one PR about a letter of intent."

In the past 3.5 months ( the time since the ball fell and Reggie assumed control) there have been three blogs loaded with info for shareholders and a interview. So far he has kept what he said in blogs. Making the trip to the US going to NYC and LA to meet people very influential in the industry as well as potential investors. Will the rest come to fruition? Such as the launch of the Pulse station platform with partners. We will have to wait and see. Additionally the company filed a 10K in this time and sent an auditor to DC in London. Now they have to get a Q out. All costs a great deal of money and imo separates them from the many pinkies out there that are not fully reporting. Must have been a difficult 10K to put together in the midst of the CEO resigning and re shuffling your business direction
The PR may have been a letter of intent but the company its with has a very good name. They are connected to some of the sexiest clients a company can have and RTG for the first time seems to be getting close to that prospect themselves. Why close? Aderra did a joint PR and the CEO of Aderra blogged about it. Something that never took place before. You want us to quit now? No thank you