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07/20/05 11:46 PM

#1998 RE: ewayz #1997

Hey Ewayz you gotta teach me how to read the stock charts how much you charge for lessons?


07/20/05 11:53 PM

#2000 RE: ewayz #1997

It does appear to be at support. In reference to the stock being manipulated, yes it has been manipulated but is FAN in on it, I don't think so. Fan has too many shares in this company to be manipulating the stock to drop it to a dime. One point is that this is a foreign stock on an american market and the second point is Fan has private investors along with his personal holding on this stock. My belief is the market makers have been manipulating the stock and as we have said in the past that will stop when the investors of the stock dry up the float, which should be soon. If we don't do it then insiders most likely will pick it up soon.
This company has real potential. Wouldn't it have been nice to be in HOME DEPOT in the 80's? Well CTGLF may behave like that very soon and we will all enjoy the ride. See chinawatchers post 1858 for his views.