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12/31/11 7:24 PM

#1306 RE: Devilseye #1305

You filed a complaint with the SEC... because they'd made a forward looking statement that they had identified as a forward looking statement in their filings and PR ?

LOL!!! That should make you really popular with the Feds...

And, you filed that complaint... when ? Prior to the period in which the forward looking statement about performance that was supposed to occur had even expired ?

Assuming you're telling the truth about filing a complaint... which I won't assume... I'd guess that if it happened, they've either filed in the circular file, for any number of reasons, or have posted it on a bulletin board somewhere as interoffice humor... pointing out how difficult their job is made by others intent on wasting their time.

My calendar shows that yesterday was the 30th. Are you monitoring their phones, or something, that you know what they did or didn't do yesterday ? It appears no one else here knows what they've done, or not, recently... ?

Doesn't mean I'm ever going to be caught holding my breath waiting for miracles to happen... but, even a very reasonable and healthy skepticism isn't useful when it becomes abject cynicism... that is every bit as bad, as you've just shown us, as the over optimism typical of pinkie management...

All I see out there now that's even close to relevant to the close out of the year and that date in particular in relation to their performance expectations... is this...

Maybe some of the DD guru's here can explain what that means ?

Things clearly are risky enough in pinkie land that you have to expect that half or more, at least, of what gets touted by these little companies, never happens... which doesn't make it any more useful to have people making things up on the other side, either, trying to make things look worse than they are, while fibbin about what your own interest or involvement is...

Really ? You filed a complaint with FINRA and the SEC... about a company making a forward looking statement ?


Do let us know if you hear anything back, huh ?

Should be some entertainment value in that, at least...

Note: I've NOT done the DD on this company. I'm NOT claiming that there's anything here I've found that proves it is worth buying. But, I've found it interesting enough to watch it for a while, now... and might opt to look at it more closely...

In the rough and tumble of pink land, when you see that the critics of a company that it appears no one is watching are being reduced to making stuff up in order to cast a pallor on what is a roundly ignored little POS pinkie... that's probably an indication its worth poking at a bit more...