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12/23/11 1:59 PM

#52672 RE: Castor_Durdent #52669



You can clearly see the transition occurring, now, that we discussed here three years ago...

Early on, the patent put the telecoms entire pricing model at risk. If they didn't disrupt the proper function of the free market, acting to prevent CLYW from succeeding, CLYW would have put AT&T and others out of the cell phone business... when their pricing models collapsed, they'd be unable to sustain their investment... and CLYW would probably now be the dominant provider in web integrated cell phone communications.

That sort of "creative destruction" is what free markets are all about... and the cost of NOT having a free market function that works in "allowing" much less enabling new technologies, is that consumers are gouged out of billions and billions of dollars, while systemic inefficiencies and corruption are made endemic.

THAT's what CLYW is a "poster child" for... exactly that sort of corruption.

That focus is still all about "the pricing model" risks... and value that was stolen from CLYW in the past... when a disruptive new technology emerged, as it did in "convergence". The 923 was and is the seminal patent in "convergence".

Beyond the "pricing model risk"... there is a new issue or two...

The market has grown enough now that the "pricing model problem" has been replaced by the problem in bandwidth limits...

They thought they needed to destroy 923 and CLYW... to defend their exploitative pricing models from losing the market to the new technology. Now, it turns out (as we predicted years back) that they need the technical solution 923 provides just to provide the bandwidth required to extend their ability to provide service that matches demand...

You see Lightsquared trying to escape the bandwidth bottleneck issues and creating conflicts by taking up new spectrum...

Interesting that the TRILLIONS invested by the government in GPS utility, along with our national security, are being put at risk by the effort to encroach on GPS spectrum... being done, again, only in order to avoid having 923 be recognized as relevant ?

That effort should make it apparent that there are competing interests at work... within the government... ?

No way is there ever going to be a market worth BILLIONS AND BILLIONS in $$$ with things in many aspects that are largely dependent on government... without the issues in tow becoming political...

Maybe, next, we'll see a couple of posts here highlighting the well known integrity of politicians, noting the impossibility that money in politics might create issues with conflicts between what's right... and what makes money ?

We've hashed out the other efforts in crafting "work arounds" well enough, years back... noting the inevitable technical failures of the wifi alternatives the industry has backed... while using "standards" setting to try to box the simple and elegant 923 solution out of the market.

Of course... you can also look at the smooth sailing they've had at TSTRQ and Lightsquared... and note that some of the market issues aren't unique to CLYW, including the elements in the structuring of competitive disruptions... the bag of dirty tricks employed in "competitive intelligence" not being unique at CLYW, in anything other than the simplification of the problem when the effort in enabling corruption is easily inserted from the top down...