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12/20/11 9:47 PM

#133440 RE: mcbio #133421


I looked at PGNX old PR's and they do not state P values in the couple I saw so probably I am making too much out of it.

I would still like to see the full dataset to compare. If the oral data is comparable to the sub-q then I don't see any huge competitive advantage (for either company). One thing to Keep in mind is AstraZenca is running trials in multiple patient populations and so could get a broader label (if the drug is eventually approved).

My comment earlier to vinmantoo was about it chronic use of the drug in general. I got the impression you take the drug each time you want to go and it works within 4 hours or so (if its going to work). As opposed to Nektar's drug which is intended to offset the constipation side-effects of the opioids and make the person more regular in general. Perhaps a subtle but to me a very important distinction.


Here is a link to the Nektar page on the product (the company does a good job on their website with having relevant materials accessible from there)

This poster has the results

If someone wants to post PGNX data and do some cross-trial comparisons I am not a scientist so I won't object :-).