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12/15/11 2:30 PM

#133521 RE: modlam #133519

modlam: I feel for you, as our situations are very different. I sold shares I'd bought long ago and took a small loss. Bought back in at much lower prices and held some long and sold some for profit shortt term. I have a job I'll never lose ('cause it's so darn difficult to do, hardly anyone wants to or is capable of doing it).
WSGI is now finally on the verge of real success. I won't quit now, and I pray for your sake that contracts and price surge up comes sooner rather than later.



12/15/11 3:05 PM

#133523 RE: modlam #133519

I haven't been here as long as you but try and hang in there, stocks always take off with the fewest shareholders on board and I believe someone posted here we were down by 10k.


12/15/11 3:14 PM

#133524 RE: modlam #133519

Modlam (Alan) I have been around for over 7 years. Please try to remain positive. Getting down on yourself only makes things worse. There are people on this board who have a wide range of opinions. The great thing is we all have the right to speculate and state our position.

Please try to remain hopeful no matter what happens and try not to worry about the future. The present moments offer unlimited potential. Try to remain positive and you will attract positive results. Life is always changing so what may not be good today can be better tomorrow. I believe WSGI will surprise us beyond our expectations. Based on my experience I can guarantee you that remaining positive and hopeful no matter what comes our way does lead to great results. Good luck finding a new job. Don't give up the ship. I am sure that all longs and most of our friendly critics
wish you well too. GLTA


12/15/11 3:47 PM

#133526 RE: modlam #133519

Modlam, please don't give up.eom

Baghdad Bob

12/15/11 5:28 PM

#133529 RE: modlam #133519

Only thing I have to say is, Clark and Son is in for 1mil.
Dr K is in with 11 mil shares


12/15/11 5:52 PM

#133530 RE: modlam #133519

Your family definately comes first Alan but try to hang in a bit longer with at least some shares. I have ridden the up & down bumps as long as you have and feel that it soon will end. Perhaps in riches, or dust, but the hot air is past its time.
The best of holidays to you and yours.
Merry Christmas ALL


12/15/11 9:31 PM

#133535 RE: modlam #133519

Modlam, I've been in this stock for at least as long as you've been, so I understand your frustration.

I was laid off about a month before the 9/11 tragedy back in 2001 and had a difficult time for years securing a permanent full-time job with benefits. I no longer work in my field of study, but I'm grateful to still have a job in this terrible economy. I worry, though, practically every day about losing my job. There remains so much uncertainty about the U.S. economy. It's scary.

You obviously need to decide for yourself what's best for you and your family and whether to hang on to your shares. I, for one, am going to give management until July 2012 to secure a major contract. That would be approximately the two-year anniversary of the Clark-Estrella era. If they can't get the Argus One to market by then, then I don't have much faith in them ever getting it to market.

C & E talk a big game, but so far haven't proved that they can back up their big talk and deliver results. Time will tell. And while I think that receiving certification from the DoD is a big deal and a milestone, I don't think (contrary to what some believe on this board) that it will propel the stock price to new highs or a much higher price that's sustainable. Only a major contract or dramatic increase in GTC revenues will do that. It's quite clear to me that C & E have little control over the stock price and will eventually capitulate and do a reverse split to boost the price. This runs contrary to what Clark said at the shareholders meeting, but over time reality will set in. Also, any talk of a buy-back is pure fiction IMO at this time. Maybe years from now they might consider it, but now? Forget it. From what I gather, my average share price is in good shape compared to yours. So I can weather the storm a while longer.

I do hope you find a job soon. It really s*cks being out work. I've been in your shoes before so I have a good idea of what you're going through. All I can say is don't give up. I know it's a cliche, but the only way to find another job is to keep at it.

Good luck!