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12/16/11 7:58 AM

#23406 RE: thenewcortez #23402

Good morning thenewcortez, its good to meet you and welcome to the board.

The flesh, that pesky little thing that unfortunately is always with us. Makes one want to say thanks a lot there Adam and Eve...SMILE!

I agree....

Our desire to obey and please him should override every fleshly desire we have

However as we know, its just not quite that easy. In my walk with Jesus i know that until the day i die i am in some way, shape or form going to sin from time to time. Hopefully its things that arent so to speak...but none the less, im a sinner even with the Holy Spirit living in me. As we know, thats the whole reason God sent Jesus to die on the cross, to pay our sin dept because God knew that even as Holy "as we might think we are", that we were going to struggle from time to time and fall short.

I agree that we must be crucified with Christ if we stand a chance, we must lay our burdens and sin down at the cross and leave them there. we know when we do sin "true repentance" means to ask forgiveness for a sin and stop it right then and there...but in my reality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, even as hard as we might try...somewhere down the road we are capable of falling into the same sin trap once again. Ole man satan and our flesh they make a good team unfortunately!

Its our job to become more and more like Christ each and everyday until we are made perfect, by God, after we get to heaven. Until then, we struggle each day doing the best we can and thank God for His grace and mercy!

Do have a great day thenewcortez and again welcome to the board!

Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own.
Philippians 3:12

For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.
Romans 7:15