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12/14/11 3:46 PM

#11912 RE: badge792 #11911

IMO what's going on in Europe right now can be compared in part with what went on in the U.S. back in 2008. There was a huge fear then that our banks were insolvent and about to implode, so the Fed came to the rescue, lowered interest rates and recapitalized the banks at all the Savers expense. To this point that's worked.

European banks IMO are on the abyss of where our banks were back then, but not only are the banks insolvent, so are many of the countries themselves. The EU's issue is they can't get together on how to fix the problem. They all realize they have to take austerity measures, but can't come together on the current indebtedness. Germany doesn't want to print money because they remember what that led them to back in the 1920's, so they're at a stalemate. The outcome is either print and attempt to inflate your way out like the U.S. did or default and let the world spiral into a deflationary depression. IMO they'll come to the conclusion to attempt to print their way out at some point.

In the meantime we have the markets concerned that a deflationary depression outcome is in the offing with the sell-off in commodities like we had today.

PTQ and these small junior miners are along for the larger macro ride. That means heading lower for the time being. I hope in the near future we see more QE, probably out of the ECB, that will signal more money printing and reversals in the PM's prices. What's going on specifically with the Company has nothing to do with the price dropping IMO. When and if QE comes these miners should move higher very quickly.
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12/14/11 3:57 PM

#11913 RE: badge792 #11911

What friggin' Call????

15. Oh, and last but not least...In regards to the upcoming conference call...

I have not heard that a call has been scheduled. I know we were promised on each quarter ending, but I also had tickets bought for the last Special Meeting of Shareholders to approve the PDI spin-out....OH WAIT!! That was last year this time and the meeting was canceled!! LOL!!!

OOOOHHHHH!!! The pain..the pain...I know! I'm just going to stop looking until after April 15th!!

ODE for you traders!!

"True believers should still care about the charts for two reasons:

1. If you've been saving up cash to load up on weakness it's about time to get out your wallet

2. Nothing lasts forever, not even gold rallies

I've owned gold, sold gold, traded, mocked, and embraced gold for at least 3 years. The only constant has been that I've been trading gold off the charts, as I do all commodities. Gold may turn out to be the world's single currency but, in the meantime, it's a shiny rock, not much different than palladium. It shall be traded as such. When gold pulled too far above the chart, I erred on the side of selling too soon. When gold hit the uptrend I tried to force myself buy.

I never caught a bottom. I never nailed a top, but I made money. When traders die, Saint Peter only cares about their P&L, not what could have gone better."

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12/15/11 2:56 AM

#11915 RE: badge792 #11911

I hope I never have to sit thru 7 minutes of torture like that last CC again. How anticlimactic was that?

Buyback?...CRK is another junior with a similar production profile to PTQ. They were trading at $1.40 a year ago much like us.
Their Share price was beaten down to the high 30's recently. They didn't, in my mind have the ability to defend it.
Yesterday the circling vultures landed, in the form of a hedge fund takeover. They are offering 56 cents a share. Is that the real value or are they getting beaten up for allowing their SP to tank?

Could this happen to PTQ? I doubt it,I hope they are smart enough to avoid it.
In my mind PTQ is playing a dangerous game here. They have the share buyback program in place (Why not use it.) The SP is close to a 52 week low???

I realize PTQ has a shareholders rights plan in place to protect them/us from vultures, but I'm not sure if the plan has a a time limit.
I will try to get answers from the IR people soon.

The REAL upside rests in Panama's National Assembly right now.