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12/13/11 10:57 AM

#73586 RE: pknopick #73584

That's nice Paul, but it has nothing to do with CBAI. Just because a sector may do well, it doesn't mean that all the companies in that sector will do well. Case and point - CBAI. The boast of the article states:

"Over the past 12 months, the cord blood banking industry has expanded through double digit growth, due to new entrants in the cord blood industry and revenue growth at existing operations."

Well, that may be so, but has it benefited CBAI? Not one bit. Because this company is failing. Sorry. But that's just the way it is.
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12/13/11 11:55 AM

#73590 RE: pknopick #73584

So I'm curious. Does Matt really think that disgruntled investors posting on iHub have any sway over bigger and better investors for CBAI?

Did Matt dispatch you to post here in order to attempt to turn back the tides of investor dissatisfaction?

Does Matt not realize that by sending his IR guy to post here on a message board, it more than likely has the opposite effect of what's intended?

Does the CEO of a company really care about posters on some message board?

Shouldn't Matt be focusing on the business and proving to his investors that he has what it takes to be a success in the business rather than care about his personal image as represented on some message board?

Why would he use his resources to have you post messages here? Seems to be like it's really a waste of money and time on your part. And I know you're not doing it pro bono.