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12/10/11 8:24 AM

#349301 RE: Large Green #349300

Even 1 billion fake NSS shares at .07=70-million
They are not going to pay it.
Just 100 million fake NSS shares at .07= 7 million

Does anyone believe there are zero NSS fake shares out there in this stock?


12/10/11 9:15 AM

#349307 RE: Large Green #349300 make an interesting point and potential insight into a new agreement between the parties. Let's're right...there are 2 billion illegal NS out there. I agree, several parties shorted the snot out of this thing...covered? who knows? The "criminal's ego" also realizes this as a potential deficit as does the EC's position in their respective camps. If Nate was able to draw the IT to the Hedgers...and survive in Court...other wonderful minds can draw the illegal NSS position to various sources.

This becomes quite a matter of negotiation between parties that also offers some flexibility in a settlement. If for instance we are looking at a legitimate 10:1 RS, would we be all the wiser or even care to "gift" if the split was 15:1 or 20:1 to cover that NSS for them in return for?? The hardliners would say...their freedom...negotiators say...maybe the Newco, NOL's, 4 bil return, more, and an entity that hits the ground running. Folks with much more knowledge of the equitable variables could do far better than I.

This thing (settlement) is breaking all the rules and as much as JMW is shoveling this manure to Lyons...Lyons is keeping the real putrid stuff off the books entirely. All the relevant parties are represented, even the parties that aren't there...on the black and white. Despite the acknowledgement of the reservation of rights..noted by JMW in Court the other day...and those parties that are represented under the cloak of ....who knows, this is going away....*poof*


12/10/11 10:09 AM

#349308 RE: Large Green #349300

IMHO the short belongs to JPIG and their CROOKS...when it is all said and done (Settlement wise) it will be moneys from one pocket to the NEXT pocket....I really don't see a run(NEVER DID)...i just think Baaaaam !!!! GAME OVER !!! SETTLEMENT !!! guess will see soon enough..


12/10/11 1:54 PM

#349349 RE: Large Green #349300

That short squeeze is what I am hoping for, short of arguing about whether there will be a halt or not. That kind of short squeeze is really the preferable path as the wild run it creates will create a memory that will long live in our hearts and minds and truly make this 3+ year wait well worth it.
The crux of it will be knowing when to sell, assuming that once the squeeze is matured, the dust will settle and the shorts will attempt recovery, licking their wounds.