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12/05/11 11:12 PM

#4172 RE: poolecw #4171

Thanks for the historical imput. I can certaintly understand that interest could have dwindled having to wait so long in silence on the company's part. When you're dealing with pennystocks players, 1 hour is sometimes too long to give them a second thought these days about buying a stock because of unscrupulous management, and holding it or selling it, at least for many!

MyHOPE on this board from here forward is to assimilate all the knowledge and insight from others that can be put in one place regarding BFAR so we all can profit.

Right now, how in the world can a person make a decision to put much money in BFAR when they've been silent publicly for so many months? Are they changing? The company is going to need to learn to issue more PR's to wealthier investors if they want those weathier investors to buy into their company IMO. Wealthy Chinese investors are no different than Americans with a company like this; they need more openness, which translates down to honesty to some degree, from the company.

Yet for goodness sakes, if their financial release today should happen to be near DEAD honest, this cannot remain a pennystock status stock for long - I can't imagine in a million years.

Yet BECAUSE we are pennystock status, many as I, will remain on the slightly skeptical side until something substantial might change it to the more non-skeptical side.

ALL - Please share your honest thoughts about anything and everything about this company. I'll be truly HOPING this board doesn't transform into a greedy PUMP board, nor a FEAR-MONGER BASHER board to satisfy the whims of a few ruthless shorts discrediting a potentially PROMISING investment for all trying to make some return in a very skitzo stock market.

Let's try to figure out this company's TRUE agenda - whether it is truly trying to be an up-and-up company - or an operation trying to suck in investment dollars into their company from Americanos amd sleep content beleaving that we're just gullible fools - WHAT SAY?

Sleep well,
