Good luck iHub. Although I'm neutral, I think for now, I can't see how this is going to work. I know a few moderators that do seem to feel they have total control of their board, but for many, I feel they deserve feeling that way as many have spent tons of time to make specific sites viable and successful. Some boards with active stocks languish because no one wants to take the time to fully make the site informational or seek out posters that may be interested in the stock.
If someone worked hard to make a successful site and a couple of posters that dislike him can move in and equally control the site, the first moderator will leave and the site will begin to suffer and disinterest will follow. iHub is just not the only website in which one can follow a specific stock.
I look for an increase in infighting between mods/mods, posters/posters as to who and what's to delete, disinterest in specific boards, no allegience by anyone or loyalty to a particular board and a possible flight to such sites as IV and yahoo and possibly SI. Hope I'm wrong and it works out as ihub has always been the very best as a user friendly site. mo. .. nic