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12/01/11 10:15 AM

#70747 RE: longterm42 #70743


Numerous loyal shareholders as well as new and coming potential investors all deserve to know the truth about this stock scam 1 Tytan Holdings Inc. While fundamentals are one side of the story, all too often pink sheet stocks can never receive a fair price value. Tytan Holdings Inc. Is a perfect example of a stock that can not sustain price movement. And as with most, Tytan being no different, you see that it continues to trade at abysmal levels. The CEO is not helping matters, he is only helping himself, while innocent investors will soon lose their entire investment.
Can I offer any proof? I can only offer you the real evidence, hard facts, and show you that beyond a reasonable doubt, Tytan Holdings is nothing but a scam... that is the point of this post. I’m going to offer some real DD, some real things to consider before you throw your hard earned money into a bear trap. Let’s begin, shall we?

We’re going to rewind the clock back to June 2011. Not too ago, when this TYTN stock was hot. It was on watch lists, it was gaining ground. The CEO Mark Leonard had announced he was headed to China to talk with some factories and industry leaders. The stock was trading at an all time high (.005) things were not great, but they were headed in that direction. Loyal Shareholders were proud of their CEO and they actually believed that after he came back from China, he, Mark, would issue a PR with game-changing news. The type of news that announces a fundamental change in a company. Like a Joint Venture, or a new contract. It was believed that soon .005 would be left in the dust, and multiple pennies would arrive. Yeah yeah, and the heavens would open and Tractors would fall from the sky, right?

Not so fast... let’s examine the facts, let’s break down what really happened and let’s get up to speed on what IS happening now...

In eager anticipation shareholders received the PR:
Tytan CEO Visits 13 Chinese Factories (June 3rd 2011)

To summarize the PR:
Mark visited the factories, and lead officials expressed interest and engaged in discussion regarding Tytan Holdings Inc. Working its way into the US Market. That being said, the PR offered no validity, no documentation, no facts. It only offered Mark’s statements on what occurred between him, and a few individuals all the way across the world. Not only was there no validation for the claim, but there was no way to validate it. No company name, no phone numbers, no body speaks English even if you had a phone number. There’s no way to validate such claims (when CEO’s have ‘mysterious’ deals going on with foreign countries)

Before I continue, I would like to include the most important part of that PR. The part that sets Mark Leonard up for disaster. The part where he thought he was being clever, but in the end, his LIE got exposed. In that June 3rd PR he made several statements about the products, and product being ready for shipment. Making it sound as though a huge import was headed to the US: “One shipment is at the Port now” stated Leonard. (from the June 3rd PR)

To sum it up, Mark comes back from China, writes up a PR making claims that the Chinese are interested in Tytan, but he offers no evidence. He quickly switches topics to the product (as usual) and provides us shipments are on the way.

That’s not all that bad actually. I for one, believe full heartedly that he made the trip to China. Now, what did he do while he was there? Who knows?

So here we go, let’s turn the page, and get into the crux of this Tytan Holdings story, and we will see how it’s just a web, a set up, a web designed to trap shareholders just like a spider’s web traps innocent little insects. IMO, with every reason to believe, With this stock... your money is as good as gone unless you just let it go. You need to sell, soon you will see why but FIRST, you NEED to keep reading. . .

After the June 3rd Pr (above) there was of course NO increase in SP, but in fact, steady consolidation – a few ups a few downs. All in all, SP stayed in the .004 range. Excitement was beginning to be a thing of the past. Days and days went by, no word from the company. No word that those “shipments” had arrived. Nothing.

And then, a real fundamental change took place. A change so significant, that this stock could never be seen in the same light, as it would never be the same again. it was NOT the change shareholders were hoping for. The change their CEO brought them was just the opposite of what he had promised:
Tytan Holdings, Inc. Filed for a Change in the Authorized Shares June 16, 2011

The only question that matters at this point is, How high? Any increase at all is NOT FAIR to the shareholder. Any increase at all in the shares, can only be for ONE CAUSE. That cause is Dilution. CEO Mark Leonard increased the share count to... get ready for this... FIVE BILLION more shares.
There was already an astronimcal amount of shares out (1.4 billion) and Mark Leonard just catapulted the share count into outerspace. I literally think Tytan Holdings has shares on Mars.

This ‘change’, while it did not harm the man running the show, it killed the dreams and hopes of all the people who invested in him, and invested their money in his stock. Some people still believe this stock is real, some people believe it or not, still trust the guy. I’ve seen this story before... somewhere else. Anyways, for those of you who don’t understand the significance of the share count let me make it simple...

Anytime your investing in a stock the share count is the FIRST thing you should look at. It’s going to tell you a lot, because the less shares, the higher the stock will trade. 500M shares out, in most investors opinions, is the absolute ‘cut off’ line. In other words, they would never advise you to invest in a stock with over 500M. Now again, Tytan already had 1.4 BILLION, and we’re talking about a penny stock. A company with no earnings. A company that has NO earnings on record in order to receive a fair price for it’s value. The numbers here are so stretched out, that the truth is, the stock should easily be trading at 0001, and soon you will see that it WILL BE trading at the bottom. The stock has been designed to fail. It’s a bankrupt system. It can’t work, it’s like a disease. And on the OTC market, it’s everywhere. Ceo’s line their pockets with your money, and then when they want their stock to look better (trade higher) they simply perform a reverse split. That is of course if they’re running an actual business. In this case, yes, Leonard does sell tractors. He does. That’s proven. But what he does with those tractors, and what he does with his stock, are two totally different worlds. It does not matter how many posts you see in regards to the product line. Doesn’t mean anything at all. What matters is that the stock has been obliviated. It’s been crushed and trampled over to the point of no return. The MM’s manipulation is out of control, and the CEO dumping 5 Billion shares is out of control too.

How much more can you take? Do you think I’m done? The story is just getting good...

So on June 16th the share count increased to a level unbeknownst to man. A number so high that even Einstein was shaking his head in the grave. A share increase that has sent this stock... I’ll say it again... to the point of no return. Remember how the stock was trading in the 004 range? After June 16th, it began to fall gradually due to the smart investors getting out. See? They got out at those levels and hardly lost, maybe even gained. The stock stayed at those levels for the time being. I don’t think the massive dumping started directly after the PR - - it would have been too obvious -- but the massive dumping did begin...

Shall we continue?

Do not fail to see the transition we’ve just made. From expecting great news about the trip to China, possibly a joint venture, or at least news about coming sales and earnings, to getting NOTHING at all, to receiving the worst news in the history of the stock.

At this point shareholders are hoping Mark will announce news, hoping Mark will take the shares back, hoping hoping, and hoping. Aka: holding, holding and holding, when they should have been selling, selling, and selling. No announcement was EVER made. Not one announcement. Not even a daggon apology. Heh!

What happened next?

Shareholders began to get angry, and they are still angry even today, as they should be. Now, this next part, is absolutely KEY.

This next part is so telling, so blatant, that even a child would advise you to get far far away from this man, Mark Leonard, that's not even funny. “Run! Run!”

After the 5 MegaBillion shares were released... smart shareholders began to call the transfer agent. But the TA was MIA, the transfer agent was not available. The transfer agent, you know... the entity that’s supposed to give shareholders a share count at all times - - the t/a was gagged. WOW, so a 5 Billion share increase, and then Mark deletes any and all evidence = He gagged the t/a so that you can not know how many shares are now outstanding. He is raping this stock. The t/a can not be accessed, and YOU, even though your money is in and Mark is obviously the one selling by the billions, YOU aren’t allowed to see it. This IMO should be illegal. This IMO is why the DTC is taking action against penny stocks. This is not right. The DTC is quickly locking up stocks that do a name change, a reverse split, etc, and TYTAN will be no exception. I’m eager to see how Mark hustles his way around a DTC Lock in trading, just like he hustles Tractors that are NOT his across the sea and sells them for half the price. Reminds me of Frank Lucas. Anyways, Do a simple google search about red flags in the market, and a gagged t/a is #1 on every list. AVOID TYTN!!! AVOID!!!!!!!

I hope you’re starting to understand... but don’t stop reading... I admit we’re getting close to the end now, but there’s more goodies I promise. Now during this t/a revelation shortly after the Jun 16th PR... amidst the devestating news and downgrade of the Tytan stock, the CEO Leonard takes the next step in a little ‘scam story’ that he set up in the June 3rd PR. Remember, in that PR about his visit to China he had tractor shipments leaving the Port and on the way to the US... don’t tell me you forgot, but if you did it’s certainly understandable. You can scroll up and read the quote Mark stated. On June 22nd, twenty days later, the tractors allegedly arrived in the US. His plan was to make it look as though tractors were leaving china and headed to...

Tytan International Inc. Is Pleased to Announce That It Worked With the Port of Kalama (June 22nd)

Previously, Tytan's tractors arrived per container in Seattle. Once in Kalama the tractors were unloaded, unpacked from their crates and had to be assembled, which amounted to huge costs. Now Tytan can ship tractors with front loaders installed and /or tillers on the rear 3pt etc, that can be driven off the Ships at this special ramped dock, owned by the Port of Kalama.”

So there you have it. “PREVIOUSLY” his tractors arrived at Seattle, which implies NOW tractors are arriving at the port of Kalama - - which is 1 mile away from his tractor building in WA. OK, not a bad PR. Sounded great. Here was the confirmation of the June 3rd PR of the shipments. In fact, At that point in time, one simply needed to click this link offered in that PR(This Port Docks can be seen at
to be taken to the Tytan Webpage to view pictures taken at the Port of Kalama of Tytan Tractors arriving. It looked so legit, real tractors at kalama port, shown on Mark’s website. It looked so real. In fact, if you go back to that date in time and read the posts on I-hub - - everyone was ecstatic to see that the Tractors had arrived inside the Port (just 1 mile away from Leonard’s little tractor company) and it seemed as though big business was ready to commence for Mr Leonard.

But after the dynamite explosion in the O/S and share increase, (which means it really doesn’t matter how many tractors he sells, the stock price is DEAD) and revelation of a GAGGED T/A, I took it upon myself to investigate this little PR about the Port of Kalama. I simply... had a hunch that it was bogus. And man oh man, did I end up blowing the cap off this story or what? I don't believe a shipment really left China! Neither should you! In fact, because of me, Mark Leonard had to plead GUILTY on the IR section of his tytan website that his PR was a lie. HUH, you say? What happened, you say? Let me answer that for those of you who don't know the story...
It's Simple. He admitted there was in fact NO deal with kalama, (no shipment could ever have really arrived! which makes the June 3rd PR a scam as well) and that the pictures he posted were NOT real. Why? Because, I took it upon myself to call the Port of Kalama:

Port of Kalama
Phone (360) 673-2325
Marketing Manager: Liz Newman

I personally spoke to Liz Newman. Now, she did say Mark Leonard was a nice guy, and he actually did inquire about using the Port of Kalama, BUT AT NO TIME was there ever an agreement. At no time, NEVER. Mark simply asked them about their Port. 1. No contract/agreement was made with the Port. 2. The PR was a lie (read it yourself, it’s a blatant lie) 3. Liz Newman noticed that AFTER mark inquired to them, he went back home and PHOTOSHOPPED pictures of his tractors appearing to be at the Port. She HAD TO CALL MARK (some guy with a little tractor place across the road) AND ORDER HIM to take the pictures down. You see? It’s all a hoax, people... all a hoax.

What does Photoshop do, and how does Mark Leonard use it?
Photoshop allows manipulation of photos.
He posts manipulated photos on the Tytan website.
It's pretty expensive, around $200.

But, what’s $200 when you’re dumping billions of shares at .004 then 003, then 002, then 001 ever since June 16th when he added all those additional shares? Not much.

After June 22nd... sure, we see Mark issued a few more PRs, but what were they about? His products. WHAT? Why did he avoid all this activity and these key issues, and just talk about his products the last 3 months, ALL THE WHILE the stock took a nose dive deep down to 0004. That’s right, 005 all the way to 0004, DIRECTLY as a result of the MEGA SHARES being dumped, and remember the gagged TA. IT IS the only explanation - - as i know you 'longs' are not selling shares, so then, who could be selling sooo much that the price could massively fall to triple 0 4 ?
Answer: Mark

This is a scam stock, end of story. But, don't stop reading, it gets better!

There was one more surprise from Mr Leonard! The biggest one of all... One more gasp of fresh air for the loyal shareholders who continue to see their investment cripple down to zero:
Major Chinese Tractor Factory Requests Visit to Tytan International (Aug. 24th 2011)

Now this PR really got the board in a frenzy. It was the answer to all things. It was the reason for dilution somehow, it was the coming of the great and wonder YTO (the company coming from China)

2 weeks later on Sept. 7th Mark confirmed the meeting was taking place on the 18th and 19th of September (still can’t verify that it took place, however.)

At this point, it was as if again, the heavens were opening up. The company had reach the promised land and the stock that is dead would somehow follow IF the deal with the chinese company came.

So after the Meeting, Mark issued out the most anticipated PR EVER in Tytan Holdings history. Shareholders were waiting for this PR like a fat kid waits on cake. It was the one. Here it was:
Tytan Holdings, Inc. Announces the Latest Arrival of Tractor Shipments From China
8:31a ET September 21, 2011 (Market Wire)

You read that correct. That’s right. All you got to do is read the headline... and go ahead and read the PR if you want, but I assure you... Not a peep! Not a peep! NOTHING. No announcement about a deal, no proof of a meeting, absolutely No nothing in the biggest PR in history. Because there never was anything. Just more news about ‘tractors’ arriving. Where were they arriving?? Certainly not at the Port of Kalama. Heh! Amazing, isn’t it? And there went the last gasp of air. Now, no one cares. No one expects anything. Right now Mark says he’s headed to China to farther the YTO deal. I bet he's not! I bet he's not!

And that’s where this post stops, but this post certainly will resume as the Tytan saga unfolds. The truth is, the company has:

No contracts. No agreements. No sales projections. No inventory numbered report. No earnings. Far too many Shares. A Gagged T/A. A CEO who breaks laws issuing out FRAUDULENT PR’S (June 22nd 2011) and then getting busted by ME. It’s not funny. Because soon, the real plan will be made public, Mark will announce a Reverse Split IMO. I can’t wait to see how he plans to keep this stock trading, when the DTC is going to place this sucker on “DTC CHILL” (the stock already lost 'current' status within the past month)... Mark’s not going to get away with this... Mark my words

As for the day to day price, right now 0007 or 0008 or whatever, it's just imaginary. The stock is worth ZERO 0000. It will probably be at 0001 before the DTC locks this stock up, or maybe not, but it won't matter at that point. And if Mark does get away with his R/S it won't matter what it's trading at because you won't have any shares left.

In the meantime, i realize the potential of momentum. Sure, momo can take this up, but nothing is sustainable because there's MEGA BILLIONS of shares in the market and the company is not even earning money!!!!! hello?


I've since learned that the mysterious "YTO" company in China who allegedly employees 30,000 (which is equivalent to 30 employees in the USA?) and claims to supply equipment to the US has in the past has only dealt with the state of Texas, and there's no real trace of any deals, simply more speculation. It has also been confirmed that YTO's main webpage has been vacated by the company and there's been no changes to the site ever since the year of it's inception FOUR YEARS AGO in 2008. YTO? Well, if Mark does have a JV coming with them, it's worth nothing, I promise you that much.

I've also confirmed that because of Mark's failure to comply with the DTC that TD AMERITRADE has officially halted all BUY ORDERS for Tytan Holdings, INC.

TD AMeritrade:
800-669-3900 (customer service)

They will confirm this for you if my word isn't good enough...

Since I originally posted this message about 2 months ago, the PPS has dropped from around .001 to .0003 and I can guarantee either A. a dtc halt in trading or B. it goes to .0001 and then Mark performs his reverse split.

Mark Leonard is a scam artist. Go back and read through this post again, and pray that your eyes will be opened to the truth about what Mark Leonard has been doing here.