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11/23/11 3:20 PM

#25164 RE: tom8oes #25156

Rob is misleading or he is lying. You choose which. Why do I say this?

The state of KY requires no period of silence. Be realistic. The state will not fund such risky endeavors; nor would they enter into business with such a nascent firm. Unless you are the Obama Administration, you would understand the issues. Besides, have you checked the state's fiscal situation?

Providing USFF shows up with real funding, all the state has the ability to offer is to help with getting permits (site development, air and water) and offer tax abatements and incentives related to hiring and property investments. That's all folks!

If Rob talks the waiting game, just ask R2R how long that takes.


11/23/11 7:28 PM

#25173 RE: tom8oes #25156

he cant make that statement himself or the ceo??


11/24/11 9:46 PM

#25185 RE: tom8oes #25156

Thanks, we will continue waiting....because what is the alternative. So hopefully he will make this happen.
Have a good holiday.