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07/09/05 4:58 PM

#1626 RE: Prince_among_thieves #1625

Welcome aboard Prince dont forget to

Visit thanks


07/09/05 6:40 PM

#1627 RE: Prince_among_thieves #1625

Excuse me, but I can't understand why some honest poster here hasn't interjected an iota of truth and insight for our new sucker.

The post indicates his due diligence must be based upon voices he hears in his head at night. Ghosts must be visiting and provided financials that have not been committed to paper yet.

The blame for the lack of execution, the poor performance, the lack of transparency is due to outsiders like market makers and naked short. Typical drivel for an OTC.BB poster who is either devoid of reason or is a shill, hypster, or worse.

Instead of welcoming him here to post, you should be challenging his nonsense. Or are the longs and long-time posters hear losing their skepticism and willingness to question management? Your company is stuck around a dime because the market doesn't find anything to make it worth any more than a dime. Anybody really think next week looks like the opportunity of a lifetime to be buying new or additional shares of Connecticut Gulf?

Beast Of Burden

07/09/05 8:25 PM

#1629 RE: Prince_among_thieves #1625

I agree that some of the mgt team have good bio's and are probably well connected. I believe that might go to the vision piece I gave Dr. Fan credit for in a previous post. Execution is another story and they are not executing. There is more to execution than a couple of pictures on a SHAREHOLDER Devloped website or a week or two of road shows seven months ago.

To suggest that it's a mm or shorty screwing up mgt execution is missing the boat. If these guys are making money because mgt can't get their shit together then more power to them. I invested because of the mgt team, the vision, the taglines and the mm's and shorts are squeezing me but can you blame them? They saw an opportunity to make money off poor management execution while we sit back and all but beg and plead for a financial release -- which I might mention they stated would be out in Apr, May, Jun, and the latest line early July.

I would be interested in some of the views of our more China experienced board members to shed some light on Exeuctive Mgt turn over - is it common, can American based shareholders influence, does the parent company every smack pee wee mgt teams down for incompetence etc etc.

To let a shareholder board be your main channel of communication while your pushing four months past a due date that mgt set is disgraceful. That is the type of execution we've exposed ourselves to. The weaker the mgt team the higher the risk....mix it together and you get a dime.