Okay guys i got the inside scoop,, I just got finished playing 18 holes with Eugene and he told me some big news. Doctors have recently found a cure for every virus known to man and the medical recipie is 99% coal. Once Eugene gets FDA approval for his new coal pill the stock price can shoot up to 200 dollars a share. Eugene has me convinced and ive been eating coal all day and ive never felt better, well honestly ive been vomiting all day but in a good way . Eugene plans on producing all sorts of edible coal products such as coal candy bars, coal iced cream, and coal water. Eugene will revolutionize the health industry, but first he needs capital , he said these exact words to me " if only i can get people stupid enough to invest in qmin then i can just retire and leave them holding the bag ". Now I know for a fact that what he said was code for anyone who invests is gonna be rewarded handsomely. Trust me on this one guys Eugene said he's already in talks with Phyzer for a possible buyout .