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11/10/11 12:30 PM

#41574 RE: JACKPOT #41573

PQ is not a young Chap and i seriously doubt he wants to wait for years drilling all of the sinker. IMO once reserves are proven then we go to the highest bidder. Also PQ had mentioned to one of the SHM Attendee when asked this question about selling and i believe PQ told him that he is a business man and with the right price offer, he would sell. JMHO!


11/10/11 12:31 PM

#41575 RE: JACKPOT #41573

I agree...I think PQ intends to sell this puppy off at the first reasonable offer. Im going to be here when it happens. thats also why Im one of those that thinks this stock will hit $1.00 ps.


11/10/11 12:53 PM

#41576 RE: JACKPOT #41573

Goldland, it is quite comical.


Like your little league coach said to you, keep your eyes on the ball and stay focused:)

Sorry for the ones that STRIKE OUT...