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07/03/05 3:15 PM

#58724 RE: bobs10 #58722

A view of the case on a majot Taiwan new paper.

I'm lazy to translate the whole article.
Here is my summary:

MB and NB makers hat INTC. They will not openly go against INTC. They may privately tip AMD where and what to subpoena.

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07/03/05 5:38 PM

#58737 RE: bobs10 #58722

Given my experiences with the K6-2 I see no reason why updated x86-32 bit chips using 90nm processing couldn't find their way into what I expect will be an explosion of portable "univerisal communicator" type products.

There is a universal communicator. It is called a 3G cell phone
and is a major reason why over 400m ARMs and ARM core
based chips are sold every quarter. ARM MPUs have a huge
advantage in software, OS, low power, low cost, and widespread
industry licensing. Unless you think Windows XP based 3G cell
phones are in the cards then you can kiss x86's hopes here
good bye.

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07/03/05 6:54 PM

#58742 RE: bobs10 #58722

Re: Do you really think AMD is going to stop using fab30 for processors?

I don't know, but AMD will probably choose not to transition it to 65nm. It will probably be used for 90nm Semprons till the end of '07, but by then Fab36 will be fully ramped, and 90nm processors will be long out of style.