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10/30/11 11:56 AM

#17423 RE: Yosako #17421

No, the few people who do know how to play the game make money at the expense of new n00bs/fresh meat that are constantly recruited by "friends", family and spam, under the guise of "investing".

If everyone knew how it all worked, there'd be no bagholders to make money off of.

No one is telling YOU how or what to trade, they're just trying to make sure as many people as possible have their eyes wide open. If "traders" get caught in a chilled play, then I guess they didn't really know as much as they thought they did about trading, right? The red flags are all over stocks like that.
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10/30/11 11:57 AM

#17424 RE: Yosako #17421

Go back to the beginning.

The Pinks were supposedly created for a valid worthwhile reason.

But it was quickly identified by the type of people who always manage to find loopholes in things in order to convert and pervert it to serve their own selfish, illegal motivations.

It was then recognized by the types of people who piggy-backed on the perversion in order to serve THEIR needs. Make money at any cost.

Then, there are the types who say they see it as a game in which the challenge is to play along with the players. Of course, that's their opinion only. Noone took a poll as best I know.

In order to do so, they have to say things that seem to be an attempt to convince others. Not that it's a game, but that it's real. The company is real. I see very little of what you say, that everyone knows it's a game and the companies are bs.

And the people who lost their retirements, marriages, etc certainly don't much care about anyone elses opinions.

So, whether someone makes a living off it or just a part-time job to make some extra dough doesn't change the fact that the Pinks are now nothing more than a den of thieves. Dens such as these, once recognized by a society, should be shutdown. No disclaimer is going to suffice in order to absolve anyone of their participation in a scheme to defraud people.
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10/30/11 12:01 PM

#17425 RE: Yosako #17421

Might want to read who the DTCC is responsible to, it is not issuers or shareholders. They owe neither an answer as to why the stock has been chilled, in fact if the issuers would pull their heads out they would contact the right people to get the answers they are looking for. The DTCC corresponds with broker dealers and those sponsoring issuers, you know since the sponsor has conducted DD and found the issuer to meet the standards. But what I find really interesting is the expectation that a business must accept stacks of unregistered certs that they get stuck with as the middle guy. Talk about an unrealistic expectation not to mention misdirected frustration, the real culprit is the issuers and the TA.

The TA just stamps anything that comes through without an ounce of DD or care, thus just flooding the market with these unregistered shares. If the TAs did their job and the issuers actually played by the rules there would not be these issues.
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10/30/11 12:39 PM

#17428 RE: Yosako #17421

What? You call revoking DTC-eligibility for stocks randomly,

It is utter nonsense to think the DTC revokes eligibility on a random basis.

REFUSING to tell why it has been revoked,

The DTCC talks to their customers not you, they don't owe you a thing.

then CHARGING ALARMINGLY HUGE FEES to investors to sell their holdings is your definition of "honest"?

That is a broker passing on fees due to them not being able settle and clear easily. It is a free country if you don't like the fees charged get a new broker. There is nothing whatsoever that requires a broker to allow you to buy or sell all stocks.

We don't need anyone telling us what to trade.

If you don't like your broker then leave. It is their business and they can run it as they want.

It is great the DTCC and brokers are starting to take some responsibility for the OTC cesspool hopefully down the road it will be turned into a somewhat normal real market for companies.
The whole point of the market is not so you can trade scams it is to facilitate the raising of capital for real companies. All the garbage phony companies do is take capital away from real companies that actually need money.