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06/30/05 12:25 PM

#9914 RE: otterman #9912

I hate to be the one to break the news to you, but we have no chance and never did . . . the rich get richer, the poor get, well, ya know poorer and the middle class gets thrown a bone from time to time to keep the lid on . . . I read an interesting line about war last night . . . it went something like, generals get the glory, privates get dead, merchants get the profit and the poor get the unemployment line . . .

See I don't think anybody should have ever expected anybody to go to jail on this law, that is just crazy talk. If you really look at this law, what is the difference between Sarbox and Fraud? The law was slapped together in record time to present the image like the government was going to do something about the accounting scandals, ya know Enron, et al. But whatever happen to "Kennyboy"? Haven't heard anything about him in a while ... and the law really is not very well written, it's got people who aren't criminals running around like chickens with heads cut off, and software & consulting firms licking their chops at the money corps. are spending to become compliant, and still, every few days you see another firm whose financial statements were BS, but yet, nothing happens . . . because we have never done a very good job of prosecuting white collar crime in this, nor we will, in the foreseeable future . . .