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10/25/11 7:08 PM

#42007 RE: Shadow Trader #42002

I don't think anyone here that's complaining about delays is demanding to know any exact plans/dates.

What would be nice though, is if when the company knows they are going to miss one of their own 'deadlines', they or their IR people just say something like - hey we know we missed our 'deadline' but it's for a good reason and we'll have everything back on track soon.

There is nothing compromising in a statement like that and it lets people know that the company actually cares about it's investors/potential investors.
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10/25/11 7:17 PM

#42009 RE: Shadow Trader #42002

shadow- i respect your point of view also. i am not asking for info that will jeopardize anything. i am looking for reassurance. simple as that. if we were hanging in the five cent range i don't think it would be fair for me to be critical- but considering how beat up the pps has been lately- i think they need to do a better job of accounting for their actions.
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10/25/11 7:33 PM

#42016 RE: Shadow Trader #42002


First Sale Last Sale Price Diff Total Volume Total Sales # of Sales Average PPS

09:39:03 - $0.0225 15:58:39 - $0.0195 ($1,950.00) 0.0030 (15.38%) 3,112,087 $62,586.90 82 $0.02011

Price Shares Total $ % of Total Vol
0.019 508,170 $9,655.23 16.33%
0.0195 275,200 $5,366.40 8.84%
0.02 1,340,267 $26,805.34 43.07%
0.0201 15,000 $301.50 0.48%
0.0205 490,000 $10,045.00 15.75%
0.021 222,998 $4,682.96 7.17%
0.0213 25,000 $532.50 0.80%
0.0215 35,000 $752.50 1.12%
0.0219 32,000 $700.80 1.03%
0.022 91,000 $2,002.00 2.92%
0.0225 77,452 $1,742.67 2.49%

© Stratospheric Stocks 2011
