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06/29/05 5:57 PM

#58381 RE: Tenchu #58378

Bobs, Yet, most people naively seem to assume that INTC is the same well run company it was back in 1985. My God, what a freakin horror show INTC has turned into.

Intel is far from a perfectly-run company. (What major corporation is?)

But to me, your extreme views tell me more about you than it does about Intel. Maybe most people aren't as "naive" as you think they are.


Perhaps, but I owned INTC stock back in 1985 and I remember quite vividly what the company was like then. From my point of view, Barrett has presided over the conversion of a gold mine into an EPA waste site.

My god, all the man had to do was just keep on milking X86, but no he let the company get enmeshed in the most hair brained scheme imaginable, Itanium. Not only did he throw billions of research dollars at what was obviously a proprietary dead end, but he didn't spend the money on developing an X86-32 successor and squandered resources chasing speed above all else with the P4.

These were all management decisions made at the highest level and they clearly show the disconnect between what the market wanted and what INTC marketing thought it needed to dominate the market. Attempting to create a proprietary sinecure in which to hide was not the sort of thing the INTC founders would have done.

The guys running INTC are morons, plain and simpletons.