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06/29/05 6:05 PM

#58383 RE: bobs10 #58381

Bobs, The guys running INTC are morons, plain and simpletons.

So says the distinguished gentleman who compares Intel and its supporters to paid sex providers: #msg-6817191



06/29/05 6:36 PM

#58388 RE: bobs10 #58381

My god, all the man had to do was just keep on milking X86, but no he let the company get enmeshed in the most hair brained scheme imaginable, Itanium.

Yeah, making unclonable chips for ~$125 and selling
them for ~$2000 in a market with a nearly infinitely
high barrier to entry is a real dumb move for a chip
maker. :-P

The guys running INTC are morons, plain and simpletons.

Intel Sales ($M), cost of sales ($M), GM (%)

1989 3127 1721 45.0%
1990 3921 1930 50.8%
1991 4779 2316 51.5%
1992 5844 2557 56.2%
1993 8782 3252 63.0%
1994 11521 5576 51.6%
1995 16202 7811 51.8%
1996 20847 9164 56.0%
1997 25070 9945 60.3%
1998 26273 12144 53.8%
1999 29389 11836 59.7%
2000 33726 12650 62.5%
2001 26539 13487 49.2%
2002 26764 13446 49.8%
2003 30141 13047 56.7%
2004 34209 14463 57.7%

Yeah a really dismal track record. Your bizzare
disconnected from reality comments say far more
about your state of mind than the state of Intel.