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01/15/03 8:49 PM

#3498 RE: Desert dweller #3495

Desert Dweller,

I listed that very reason as one of the possibilities for the delay. The Court does not want to spend its already clogged resources resolving motions that may end up being moot. But, again its all tea leaves.

OT: Someone properly noted that there is only a 3 month (not 5 month) delay

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Desert dweller

01/15/03 10:38 PM

#3527 RE: Desert dweller #3495

Was this date changed for mediation report noted below in item 2B? From memory,I think it may have been extended a week to 1/13/03. See my post that I am responding to as to why I think it is important to know. The link is shown below the text.

By: brokentrade
13 Jul 2002, 02:25 AM EDT Msg. 100173 of 119640

Text of Court's Scheduling Order


The Court hereby establishes the following schedule for this case. This Scheduling Order supercedes all prior Scheduling Orders entered in this case.

1. This case is set for Jury Trial on February 10, 2003.

2. Counsel must file by noon, January 6, 2003, a Joint Pretrial Order [not to exceed twenty (20) pages] containing the information required by Local Rule 16.4 plus the following:

A. A list of witnesses who may be called by each party in its case in chief. Each such witness list shall contain a brief narrative summary of the testimony to be elicited from each witness, shall state whether the witness has been deposed, and whether the witness' trial testimony is "probable", "possible", "expert", or "record custodian". A copy of this list must be furnished to the court reporter on the day of trial.

B. A report as to the status of settlement negotiations as of the date of the Pretrial Order.

My comments: the date of the pretrial order shown above was 1/6/03 so the date of the mediation report was to be as of the same date.

If the report was actually filed 1 week late as I believe, it coincides with yesterday's rumor that a settlement is going to be announced. I know this is pure speculation, but it is possible and very well could be why the trial was delayed. Is this just the ramblings of a Mar 15 option holder that wants to believe the reason for the delay could be a settlement is close or could it be a piece of the 1,000 piece puzzle called InterDigital Communications?

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01/16/03 1:08 AM

#3561 RE: Desert dweller #3495

DD, interesting angle. EOM