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10/20/11 4:59 PM

#226290 RE: SOROS #226263

We've been living under a regime that has taken this country for all its worth from Kennedy on, and the result of all of them is what we see before us.

If it wasn't Vietnam is was something else. The National debt began to balloon under Reagan, the S&L's got bailed out, the market crashed in 87, went down the poop scoop when Clinton left office, and out to the sewer as Bush was leaving. His legacy along with Henry Paulson, was to cut a check for nearly a trillion of taxpayers money to the biggest crooks we've seen, even to one of the biggest hedgefunds we know, Goldman Sachs.

Greenspan was also a player in all this, and as we've discovered, as big if not as big a crook as Madoff when it comes to lies, and manipulation. Ron Cox of the SEC is, was, and will always be one big shithead. Even the rating agencies were in on all of it.

Know what?. Not much has changed. Let us not forget companies like Enron and the reaches of Ken Lay into the Bush family. The Bush family were up to their ears in the S&L scandal, and tight knit with the Bin Laden family.

What did our country get out of all this, this and all the other shit?.........a crumbling infrastructure nationwide, thousands of american soldiers killed in various places throughout the world, and trillions of dollars in national debt, as we watched american companies who were built and had grown off the sweat, and stress of american workers, and american investors, leave the US because our politicians have made it very lucrative for them, thanks to their lobbyist. GE is just one of many fine examples.

The people on top have milked this country dry at the expense of our homeland, and its people. What we got in turn could be as many as 20m to 50m illegals, and not all from Mexico, who knows the number or from where, and the attitude has been, who cares?.

Things are gonna get a whole lot worse before they get better, if ever they do?. No country can stand with this much corruption. We've had our noses into everyones else's business throughout the world when we needed to be cleaning the shit out of our own backyard, we were supplying weapons, and training to Bin Laden, and his misfits who were fighting the Russians, the chickens then came home to roost. The flock has really grown since. Distraction is one of Wall Streets, and our governments biggest, and most successful tools, they've mastered the art of deception, and lies. Its all about money, power, and who gets to go down in the history books.