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10/21/11 5:07 AM

#226324 RE: makesumgravy #226290

I agree. It's just that all of the corruption before OBOY never had the PACE of spending that he has been on! He's done in less than 3 years what Bush took 8 to do, and Bush was the worst in history. OBOY dwarfed him, and no one thought that would be possible.

If he gets elected again, with no more reason to fear getting elected again, his next 4 years would bury the country under a mountain of debt, combined with a total destruction of private enterprise, combined with federal jobs surpassing private ones, along with federal regulation to end capitalism, with taxation to destroy the middle class, and end with probably 75% of the country living on entitlements, which would have to come from worthless paper money, meaning inflation so bad that we have a mad max society at best.

]If he gets elected again, I hope you have plenty of food, water, medicine, generators, supplies, guns, and a place to go far from the maddening crowd.