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10/14/11 4:45 AM

#16493 RE: Renee #16491

richrichrich is referring to an incident on the AQLV MB (which has got very interesting recently).

I sent Emmanuel Mutisya, an employee and agent of AquaLiv (AQLV), an email asking him for details of the protocol and Ethics Committee approval for the study of AQLV's programmed water, NatuRx, which he conducted in ten Kenyan patients with HIV/AIDS earleir this year. Rather than replying to my email, Mr. Mutisya instead passed the email to AQLV's CEO, Craig Hoffman, who in turn arranged for one of his "supporters" to post what he fondly imagined are my personal details on the relevant message board for that stock. (Of course, knowing as I do that many of these scam stocks such as AQLV are ultimately controlled by organized crime figures, I was careful to protect my true identity in the original email correspondence).

The offending post was quickly removed by iHub's very excellent Admins, so to this day I do not know who posted it, although several kind posters alerted me to it.

Subsequently I have emailed various authorities and institutions in the US, Kenya and Japan (Mr. Mutisya is apparently currently conducting research for a PhD in Tokyo) recently drawing their attention to the highly unethical and illegal behavior of AquaLiv and their agent Emmanuel Mutisya in conducting unapproved studies of their drug NatuRx in vulnerable patients who apparently have discontinued their antiretrovirals as a direct result of AQLV/Mutisya's unauthorised and unapproved clinical study.

As a courtesy I copied Mr. Mutisya on these emails too.

I imagine that neither the United Nations University nor the University of Tokyo (or indeed the International Christian University who awarded Mr. Mutisya a fellowship a couple of years back:, who I also emailed) are happy to have their good names associated with this flagrant breach of law and more importantly ethics.

It will be interesting to see what action if any, is taken by any of these bodies.