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10/13/11 11:42 AM

#31252 RE: es1 #31251

I am not a scientist, but a trader/investor. So, TO ME, progress is progress. I actually don't anticipate a PR here which will state "All systems are GO," because it so rarely happens with any new technology (i.e.: Edison and the light bulb).

I anticipate progress. I saw (what appeared to be) progress since spring, so I decided on the timing of my entry point.

A deal (even LOI) with no silk means progress, to me.
A better silk than the previous one - even though it may not be the desired product yet, means progress to me.
A new lab...progress.
Even a few new generations of worms with some working well, some not producing properly and some not at all...still progress.

That's all I anticipate. Anything better and I will be thrilled.

All The Best


10/13/11 12:12 PM

#31257 RE: es1 #31251

What if you were right that they couldn't come up with pure 100% spider silk but have struck a deal with a textile company that wants to purchase our say 95% spidersilk?.... and revenue is about to come our way? I think a pr mentioning a buyer is much more probable than 100% silk. jmo I want both!!


10/13/11 1:39 PM

#31265 RE: es1 #31251

I'm not a scientist by any stretch of the imagination, but the way I understand it is, if the ZincFingers work, we should get our desired results. The only way it wouldn't if the ZFs worked would be if the insertions/deletions were targeted at the wrong place in the DNA strands. I believe they know where to target them, so if the ZFs work, bang, desired results.

I'm sure Zinco can correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm under the impression we have a much better chance than not of desired results.

I don't want to define "desired results". After Sept2010, I was under the impression marketing what we had was the next step, then, curve ball, we're looking for 100% spider silk. I believe that came our way in April2011. I do remember it came out of the blue though. Nothing in Sept2010 gave me the impression we were looking for 100% spider silk, then all the sudden, new target. That's how I remember it anyhow.