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10/05/11 3:58 PM

#15747 RE: RichieBoy #15745

Do you really think there will still be investors gullable enough to buy in if and when Yaacov puts out a little wave of PR's. One would have to go in completely blind because it doesn't take much now a days to see all the chatter on this company in cyber space causing a serious investor to do their own DD. Once they clearly see all the dated events that came and went without any action or follow ups...they wouldn't touch this with a ten foot pole.

How could anyone believe the claim that Identa is in the best position it has ever been as a company then allow it to get run so far into the ground, increase the A/S 2 billion, and not justify this for investors.

IMO this company is on life support with a loose plug waiting to get tripped over.