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10/03/11 7:01 PM

#48743 RE: davidam #48742

Let's see if anyone can pick up on sarcasm (and if Dom can pick up on it from even across the pond)

oh, but david, don't you know? If you're building a moat, you can take all the time you want. Like, seriously, whenever you want to roll it out will be just fine with the marketplace. The world will continue to stand still with baited breath for RTG's offering because everyone knows who RTG Ventures is and they are mightily anticipating the release. This is like the new iPhone, everyone knows its coming and its going to be soooooooooooooo widely adopted right off the bat. Look for at least 50 facebook 'likes' with this service!!!!!! Oh no, you won't have to convince any artists or any users to sign up, they'll just gravitate like moths to a light. It's just getting the product out, thats the one and only hard part of this whole thing. yeah, thats it, its just delivery. But once it's out, we'll have everyone begging to join our pay-to-play service versus other pay-to-play services, because ours will have "cloud" in the title. Oh, and we'll get a C-level artist to come join us, just like how we talk about Audigist expanding with great artists from Aderra being brought over.


What needs to happen is this company has to finalize the product first and foremost, and THEN they have to go through the whole process of making it more of a success than the failure audigist has been so far. And, if you think audigist has been a success, I suggest you travel back on over to their site and give me 5 things that they have that no one else has. Look at the groups/artists that Audigist has brought over on the Aderra brand... has ANYONE ever heard of them prior to this? Embeddable facebook shopfront? Well, that seemed to be outdated by the time it arrived, don't you think? For example, go to Lady Gaga's facebook page, you can go to the "store" link and buy everything all the way to Lady Gaga USB drives with 'exclusive video content' (sorry Aderra). OH BOY, did that moat disappear quickly (even by a non-music service, facebook, which is a big-boy company who is supposed to be less nimble, right?). Matter of fact, Audigist only having 44 likes on facebook is certainly unique, so there's one.

Get it all together, and get it released. It shouldn't have had to change stewards, not when we were getting updates from Dom about "just having been to the Ukraine, and am thrilled with progress".

D-E-L-I-V-E-R.... Have those screw-ups in the Ukraine work day and night to cut this thing out NOW! Time is quickly passing us by, and the imaginary 'moat' in this ever-changing world is quickly going dry.

Just as an aside, I think I enjoy Hessam Hessamyan's music the most on Audigist. If his name wasn't cool enough, I love that none of his music is in english (but his bio/entire site is), and it gives us huge exposure in that oh-so-lucrative Persian music industry.