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10/02/11 1:26 AM

#11240 RE: badge792 #11239

Patience Badge.... World markets,seasonality,no new mining law, no promotion all work against the SP.

The only one that may not change in the next 2 months is the world markets.

I believe the other negatives will turn in our favor in the next quarter.
When Cobre Panama has it's environmental assessment approved we will get a big bonus. PDI! Could be soon.
What else can you do? Sell like PMC? Don't think so.
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10/02/11 8:53 AM

#11241 RE: badge792 #11239

Believe me, I'm personally not an advocate for bail-outs, QE, or any other measures IMO that just are more kicking the can down the road. Central Bankers of the world are having to implement these things to stave off depression or as some would put it make for soft defaults. There is more indebtedness/insolvency in the world today than at any other time in history and if they don't print more fiat money to bail out the insolvent banks and countries what would happen? A collapse.

IMO the inevitable will happen. They will continue to do what they have been, to inflate their way out of these problems by printing more money, because that's their only option. Look what's happened to the markets, when QE1 and QE2 were over. In both instances the markets headed south without support from the Fed and their debt monitization. The same thing is being planned out for Europe now and there will be trillions of euros printed to continue to prop up that side of the Atlantic. Eventually all the money printing will cause horrendous inflation and IMO fiat money destruction, but the bankers aren't fixing the problem, just making it worse and prolonging the inevitable.

The world getting it's head out of it's A$$ is a process and one that will take years to achieve. Gold is going much higher IMO as a result and PTQ should benefit if they can continue to improve their situation going forward. Unfortunatly, world events effect the markets and markets effect stocks. We're not immune from those issues.
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10/02/11 11:52 AM

#11242 RE: badge792 #11239

I think it's safe to say there aren't many fans of the Fed on this board, but to be honest, the Fed is just doing its job. Congress makes the bills and the Fed has to find some way to cover Congress' reckless spending. It puts us - as gold mining investors - in a weird boat because we obviously want our country to recover economically, but we're betting on the ineptitude of our nations' "leaders". Covering our ass in that regard, I guess.

I have no idea what will improve the SP either. The naysayers have at least one point in that we can't say "wait until next quarter", ad infinitum. I'm still betting on profitable quarters, increased reserves, and increased production pulling us out of our slump in a big way, someday. Any more tho, I have no idea when that someday will be. Our fundamentals are solid now, there's no excuse - other than general market weakness - for us to be trading where we are.