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09/27/11 9:10 PM

#216573 RE: Evil Rabbit #216572

wow ! congrats !!
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09/27/11 9:11 PM

#216576 RE: Evil Rabbit #216572

Congrats my man!! When was she born?
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09/27/11 9:13 PM

#216579 RE: Evil Rabbit #216572

Congratulations Dad. Enjoy every moment!!
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09/27/11 9:15 PM

#216585 RE: Evil Rabbit #216572

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09/27/11 11:00 PM

#216609 RE: Evil Rabbit #216572

Congratulations !!!

Wishes for a lifetime of good health & happy family to ;

Baby - Mama - & You
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09/28/11 7:46 AM

#216614 RE: Evil Rabbit #216572

Ripley is a great name!!! Enjoy the experience. It's a blast...(until the neighborhood boys start knockin on your door lol)
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09/28/11 8:33 AM

#216618 RE: Evil Rabbit #216572

This is good - congratulations on the birth of your genetic masterpiece

amazing process ( i want to talk to the people that designed it all, have some questions )

i am of the opinion, that, when you smell or kiss the top of the young ones head, you can sense what heaven smells like

trust the dad, and good luck with all that : )

The Independent Child

Because baby’s do not come with an owners manual, the following milestones at a glance, cover all 5 major areas of typical child development. No two children all develop at the same rate, experts agree there are “normal “signs of development. These milestones have been compiled from 5 leading sources. If your child was born early, subtract that number of months from the following general examples.

From birth to 3 months children typically:
sleep a lot – recognize the sound of your voice, your face, and objects – turn head to sounds – raise chest and head when on stomach - Will open and close hands and bring them to mouth – will follow moving objects with eyes - needs to be held and touched –holds head up makes cooing sound – smiles

From 4 to 7 months children typically:
roll from stomach to back and back to stomach – reaches for a toy - support weight on legs - transfers toy from one hand to another – makes sounds for specific reasons ( wet, hunger etc ) helps hold bottle – plays with toes – puts most everything to mouth – babbles - needs to be held and touched – discovers that they have impact on environment – will explore environment - shows curiosity – smile.

From 8 to 12 months children typically:
sit alone and will change position – say mama and dada – respond to people they know – respond to their name – imitate others at play – babbling with true meaning ( it means a lot to them ) will pull to stand - crawl to sit independently – understands simple words like “no” – can finger feed themselves – can respond with gestures – attempts to copy words – smile

From 12 to 18 months children typically:
WALK, maybe run a bit – point to at least one body part – dances to music – has precise finger and thumb grasp – can stack two or more blocks – are really curious – will look for an object out of sight – hugs caregiver – identifies emotions –use 5 – 10 words – will climb up or down stairs – pull toys with wheels – plays simple games ( peek a boo ) marks on paper with crayons – smiles

From 18 to 24 months children typically:
TALK - build towers of cubes – completes *simple puzzles turns knobs, and pages of books – uses jargon - expands vocabulary – follows simple directions – stops and recovers – use objects as tools – fit related objects together – kicks and throws ball – climbs into chairs – use 2 – 3 word sentences – says names of toys – feed self with spoon - carry an object – play alone independently – identify body parts – shows affection – drink from a cup independently – combs hair – can remove clothes – partially toilet trained - understands dramatic play/pretend – wants to be near other children – can stand on tip toes – locate hidden objects –ask for common foods by name – enjoys being read to – smiles

From 24 to 36 months children typically:
run, climb, jump in place – pulls wagon or toy – rides tricycle – string beads work latches and hooks – snips with scissors – uses some adjectives ( color/size ) asks questions – draws – understands “1” “2” – puts on some clothes – remove/puts on shoes – are toilet trained – names common colors – makes associations – anticipates daily activities – expands imaginary play – shows sense of ownership – can wait turn – can ask for help – works challenges with more reasoning, less action – enjoy being read to – walk up steps alternating feet – open doors – repeat common rhymes – unbutton large buttons – shows an interest in TV and radio – helps adults to put away toys - unwraps candy – smiles

Areas of Concern
From 0 to 3 months
Cannot support head – will not push down with legs when placed on floor by 4 months – eyes do not follow objects by 2 – 3 months – not much babbling and does not copy any sounds by 4 months – no response to loud sounds – no smile or change of expression by 2 months – does not seem interested in new faces – not bringing objects to mouth – legs and arms appear weak ( no kicking or grabbing )

From 4 to 7 months
Tight muscles, muscles appear stiff – you cannot make child happy or content after 3 -5 months – not rolling in either direction – will not be held or hugged – finds it difficult to get objects in mouth – not sitting with assistance by 6 months – cannot support weight on legs by 7 months – not turning head to sounds – not smiling – not interested in interacting with others ( peek a boo ) not babbling or trying to copy sounds by 7 months

From 8 to 12 months
Not crawling – not standing with support – drags or favors one side when crawling – not saying simple words ( mom / dad )not using simple gestures ( wave bye – bye ) not able to put objects in and out of box

From 12 to 24 months
Has not developed a good walking routine – not talking in at least two word sentences by 2 years old – not following simple instruction – not walking by 15 months – not understanding cause and affect relationships

From 24 to 36 months
Cannot express wants and needs ( frustration ) – unable to feed self – cannot help with dressing – cannot use hands well ( string beads / stack things / turn pages of a book ) cannot name body parts - does not socially engage others – does not hold attention to a specific activity more than 10 minutes.

Early Intervention is totally free for any family with a child that is at least 25% delayed in any one, or more of the 5 major areas of development. Services are provided in your home, or any “ natural environment “ of the child.

All of the findings over the years can be summarized in 3 words:
The birth – three years are a critical time to intervene.